29 AUGUST 1840, Page 12

EAST l'N1)1.%. sIIIPP1NG.

Airived 114 \ •• \b1■.••ille; yr.,1 Ilindostan,

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Slutddiel:. rout] the ; ",e-ot. oo t•‘,,t,■111Va!,..-:. AtI) I IiJanie, Ett •••■•••,•,•,.., „.; l'.1el.,t. rr.an roc,. •!■;tti.tlt .•k i1,1,11, 11,11 Ilala,i;1. :It Bristol, 211t1 :11-e le, l'oN,,to, Iron' 1,i, ei LOUtht, 1tett 0, iroM

23;11, •r, .teirersed; :nisi it ..t.„ iodo l'outhay. t 71h,

1.11, -- rrent Ittu.,;,!. At 11.5, Jilt,. •;th. 11.11.4ertiel.•, 11‘0,1, tleogal ; 11,r.) Or NI:lit MI, ltrIt• r'. ; I , ; :110 l'ar1.111[1, T t. Itom Bottibliy. .1,1 tit, Cape re, t • metcalf, Brodie ; I:111111A. :11 UM; 11.111Ma, Vatti; etall ICC, Matti it MIL Iis.0/1: SO% !City; mot :111.41, Wils. ti.•111 !. • ; .11141 ■ li,11■••••■11, IAN erpo.A. lISt ditto, ism,' siewatt, 'ALeLritios, 1,111outh, \Val ren, Otis- toasted); MO Uatttini,t, Nolo 1:- !rei.■ otta■ ; At lel, Au.lio, loon 1,ow:ou; t'aniwy, nook .\ \ Iiienien's Land, Trawl. IrOIll Sus tli, f.,•1:: : l'Itet tut, You:14. fh,o, 1,oniton. At SOMIL ; C:1111101011, 1)Iltley; Matities, Care; 1:1j.■11, I, rrtoal 1,111101i; I'M°, \ au, front New. castle; cl)ile, Matelset ; mat 'nothings; and Forre,tor, from 1.iver- w■ol I Hart est lions,: Toth!, neas titmice; awl Glen lloattley, Dacha:eel, nom the CITIC.. • Stmlnont, —, fin Bengal ; and 2501, Shaltespear, Itenderson, for lienthay„ S:tiled--Front Liverpool, 23(1, Earl Grey, Itch! ; Arrived—At Post-mouth. Sultana, 1.yell, front Singapore. Kemp, Erten New South Wales.