29 AUGUST 1840, Page 4

The improvement recently noted in the trade of Manchester ire a ,,

glad to find, continues. The Manchester Guardian of Wednesdaygir—e, the following report. " Our market yesterday was in pretty nearly same state as on the preceding Tuesday : a fair amount of business he ing done, thouglvat very moderate prices. The lower counts and inte. rior qualities of yarn are in good demand, and sell freely at previoni rates ; whilst superior qualities of forties are worse to sell, and, in ooze cases, a slight reduction has been submitted to. In the goods mat there is an improved demand for very light and thin calicoes, but othe articles vemain without alteration."

The new bank at Penrith, under the firm of Messrs. Atkinson, No and Lohman, stopped payment on Monday last ; and it is said (hit ti ' liabilities will exceed 50,000/.—Carlisle Journal.

We regret to state, that in consequence of a reduction of 3d, Per day in the wages of the workmen of the collieries at and about Stourbridge the men are now idling about, having determined not to work for per day, the price offered them by the masters.— Worcester Heratd,