29 AUGUST 1840, Page 9

The report of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to

inquire into the advantages aftbrded by the different ports for the West Indian mails, has been published ; from which it appears, that the Committee strongly recommend Dartmouth, in preference to Southampton, which latter port had been recommended by the Chairman of the Royal Mail Steam-packet Company. The chief requisites of a port for a packet-station, they conceive to be adjacent headlands, the lights ex- bibbed thereon, freedom from outlying dangers, depth of' water in the entrance and within the harbour, the rise of tide and strength of its stream, and above all the tranquillity of the waters.

The iron steamers between London Bridge and Chelsea have carried 100,000 persons during the last month.

In announcing the departure of Baron Billow, on Tuesday, on his

return to Prussia, the 21orning Alst added—" It is generally supposed

his Excellency will find in the councils of his Sovereign a post which will enable him, whilst accomplishing the duties of his brilliant career, to enjoy the society of his numerous flintily and friends, from which he has long been severed. The Baron Bulow has been in the service of the Prussian Legation in London during the reign of three Sovereigns ; attains, in that space of time, represented his King at this Court for no less than thirteen years. The duties of Chargé d'Affaires at the Prussian Legation devolve on the Baron Schleioitz, who recently suc- ceeded the Baron Werther as First Secretary."

Sir Samuel Roberts has been appointed to commission the Calcutta. Lieutenant Livings to command the Buzzard, in the room of' Lieutenant Fitzgerald, invalided. Captain Puddicomb, R.31., appointed Paymaster at Plymouth, vice Kinsman, deceased. Lieutenant C. A. Packer, II. 31., to be Quartermaster in the Chatham division, vice' Savage, promoted.-- Morning Chronicle, August 27.

Very active efforts arc making at Portsmouth to procure.men for the Navy; and if necessity should arise, the out-pensioners of Greenwich Hos- pital will be called on and surveyed for service. The greatest activity is also manifest in the several dockyards. At Plymouth, the Caledonia, .120, and Calcutta, 84, are ordered for commission ; and at Portsmouth, the Pembroke, 72, and Illustrious, 72. The Britannia, 120, is being equipped with every possible despatch to take out the new Commander- in-Chief to the Mediterranean (at present not positively known); and several more large ships arc in active progress for the pendant. The brig Pantaloon, iii, Lieutenant Tryon, has been despatched to Belfast, Si.. bring here volunteers for the Navy. The Belleislc, 72, Captain /steholas, left Malta for England on the 1st instant, to proceed to Ply- mouth to have new capstans and other requisites, but will return as soon as completed. The Inconstant, Captain .Pring, is ordered to proceed forthwith to Gibraltar with some companies of artillery and ther material. A very large quantity of the munitions of war has been lately shipped to Uthraltar.—Brighion Gazelle.

There is no idea whatever a landing any British regiments upon the coast of Syria, as reported in Dublin ; but the troops now ordered out from Ireland will not only constitute the usual relief, but also augment our military strength in the Ionian Islands, which is an object of mo- ment.—Lbacrieh Chronicle.

The Marc ries Pyrenies of tlte ISth instant announces, under date St. Sebastian the IM11, that the remainder of the English troops bad em- barked and set sail for England in the forenoon of that day, leaving behind only ten men and a Captain of the Artillery of the Royal Navy.