29 AUGUST 1863, Page 25

Old New Zealand By a Pakeha Maori. (Smith, Elder, and

Co.) —Of eettrose this book may be the genuine record of the actual landing of a livingr-nropean in New Zealand, and of his experience there thirty years ago. If re Li, it will three hundred years hence be a most

valuable account, and even now it may be read with interest by all who can appreciate a narrative of adventure, and savages, and cannibalism, and failure, and oppression, written in the London comic style. We cannot say we appreciate it, but there are people who do, and there is in the book internal evidence that it is no forgery or romance, but a real narrative, which suggests exaggeration only because its author is not aware that Englishmen have got over their laughing fit, and prefer that cannibalism should be accounted for, and not only made the subject of somewhat nauseous jokes.