29 AUGUST 1885, Page 1

The papers, in the dearth of other news, have been

making as much as they could of the meeting of the Emperor of Russia with the Emperor of Austria at Kremsier on Tuesday, but even that much was little. There was the usual ceremonial of joy, and the usual displays of festal delight ; but the occasion was certainly social rather than political, and it is not possible to dilate indefinitely on decorations, entertainments, and imperial courtesies. The Russian party left Kremsier on Wednesday, after staying the better part of two days on Austrian territory..

And it is said that such political discussions as took place ended in great cordiality. The chief feature of the meeting was, how- ever, the extraordinary anxiety of the Austrian hosts for the safety of their guest,. The police arrangements were elaborate in the extreme, and many precautionary arrests were made for which there was no ground beyond anxious conjecture.