29 AUGUST 1896, Page 14



[To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,•••-in your excellent article on the next Lambeth Con- ference, in the Spectator of August 22nd, while eulogising the " farsight " of tht che house with a rengion have not noticed the curious inconsistencj 'rine lately adopted by the Bishops, which is implied in hastening the Conference by a year in order to synchronise with the landing of St. Augustine. Bishop Lightfoot in his learned charges and sermons and the present Archbishop of Canterbury have laboured to show that our Christianity did not come from Rome, but that there was a flourishing British Church in these islands before Augustine. Now, however, when it comes to the point, the old inveterate error asserts itself, and we emphasise to all the world that.- " the hole of the pit whence we are digged" is—Rome. Our friends or unfriends of the Italian Mission must be less astute than they are if they do not avail themselves of this blunder to say "That is my case, my lord." The charges and sermons will go for nothing ; the deliberate attempt to stamp on the public mind the old fallacy that the Roman Augustine introduced Christianity into Britain will remain..—I am, Sir,

C. H. B.