29 AUGUST 1931, Page 24


Readers who spend their Winter abroad are well advised on the score of economy to inspect the recent announcement made by the shipping companies on the Australian route concerning cheap Round Voyage" tickets. The P. & 0. Company and the Orient Line, whose vessels ply the Suez route, are offering first class tickets to Australia and back at the reduced rate of 2150, on condition that the return trip is made on the same ship. This, however, is not such a drawback as it may at first seem, owing to the fact that passengers may disembark at any Australian port and rejoin the ship on the homeward voyage. As many as thirty-four days may thus be spent ashore. Alternatively, a tour may be made of the various State Capitals. passengers using the ship as an hotel, thus limiting shore expenses. , The complete voyage occupies ninety-six days ; this is, at a cost of hardly more than 30s. per day.

A more extended tour may be made on the Cape Town route to Australia, which service is operated jointly by the Blue Funnel and White Star Lines. First class , Round Voyage" tickets are also available at a cost of £125, the time occupied being 125 days. The voyage in this case includes calls at Cape Town, Durban and the Canary Islands, and a stay of about six weeks on the Australian Coast. The Cape Town route offers a longer voyage at a slightly lower charge, and will thus appeal to those having the necessary leisure at their disposal.