29 AUGUST 1931, Page 3

Crime in New York Three weeks ago we wrote in

these columns, referring to the campaign against crime in New York : "It may be anti-social, but it is only human, to wish the gangsters a clean ' get-away ' rather than a running fight in cars." Last week such a fight as we had in mind took place. It lasted for an hour and a half, and three hundred shots were fired. Of the six people killed, two were criminals involved in the murderous " hold-up " which started the hue and cry. Ten of the thirteen injured were innocent bystanders. On Monday gang warfare accounted for three more deaths ; the men were butchered in cold blood. A large force of Federal agents has been drafted to New York, by President Hoover's orders, to co-operate with the local police. It seems possible, though not probable, that a nation's horror and disgust may find effective expression before the winter is out.