29 AUGUST 1941, Page 12

Snt,—In your issue of The Spectator dated August r5th there

n letter signed E. N. Mozley under the heading " Religious Know. The writer, mentioning " the aims of the memorialists--certaml! the clergy," complains that in their letters to The Times and where it has been made clear that " in the end it is dogma they With this attitude the writer is in complete disagreement when subject of religious knowledge is being taught. But if the religion is to be taught at all, how is it possible to teach it WI dogma? I suppose even. the writer of the letter I refer to would 84 far as to state "I believe in God " and hence is committed to st3. dogma. Christianity stands four-square on the dogmas of the Chn Creed, stated emphatically in the gospels and in the writings of