29 AUGUST 1970, Page 16

Shorter notice

The Dream King Wilfrid Blunt (Hamish Hamilton 75s). This is a nicely succinct and entertaining study of poor sad Ludwig II of Bavaria, with the added distinction of a pro- fusion of splendid illustrations which chart, quite as illuminatingly as the text, the bizarre and exuberant fantasy of Ludwig's life. The story veers between high tragedy and higher comedy; we meet, all too briefly, Ludwig's aunt Alexandra 'whose life was clouded and confused by the unshakable conviction that she had once swallowed a grand piano made of glass' and Mr Blunt includes some luscious examples of Wagner's billets-doux to the king, which read like the outpourings of an amorous shark. Ludwig's trip to Switzerland with his last love, the actor Kainz CI could have endured anything, yes anything, if only he had let me sleep), is pure farce; the final scenes when Ludwig's ministers seek to prove that their monarch is insane are quite heartrending. Altogether highly recomt mended,