29 DECEMBER 1832, Page 9


Tuts subscription has been set on foot by the Conservative Club, who earnestly eppeal to ell true .friends Of Peace and the Farmers on behalf of its unfortunate object. They feel that the Conserve-. Party, owe a, deep debt of gratitude to IIENitY Hus-r, Esq., for his Constant efforts to defeat the. Revolutionary Bill, and turn out the Tricelourqd Ministry. This respected patriot's late disap- pointment at Preston is a severe blow to him and to them. They also learn that his Blacking business has fallen off since he took part with the Conservatives against the Destructives. Conserva- tives! desert not a friend in need ! Such assistance as we received from the honourable ex-member for Preston, we shall want in the new Parliament; but bow should we expect it unless we support our supporters? Tip place of the honourable ex-member for Preston, in the Conservative ranks, may be filled by the honour- , able member for Oldham. Subscribe liberally, Conservatives ! Hope is a better ally than gratitude; but we must show gratitude .if we w,ould excite hope.


' d.

His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland 0 0 6 . Sir 'John Ben Walsh, Bart.—his Conservativipathphlets, - value 0 0 Sir James Searlett, Knt.—the price of one vote at Norwich 10 0 0 - Sir Charles Wetherell, Knt.—an old suit, complete; value 0 0 0 Michael Thomas Sadler, Esq.—six copies of his great work on.Population; weight 30Ibs., at ld. per lb. 0 2 6 Lord Lyndhurst—one day's pay, • at the rate of8,000/. a year 21 18 0 The Duke of Newcastle, with gratitude, per cent. on the

amount. of compensation for the old walls of Nottingham Castle 100 0 0 'Lord Henley. (to. assist in putting down Atheism)—one day's

Fay 10 19 2 ''The Marquis of Londonderry—broken glass; value 20 0 0

• Alexander Baring, Esq.' (paid last year)—amount ' secret. .R. -W. Hay, Esq., Under Secretary for the Colonies—one

day's pay 5 9 7 - Another Under Secretary (nsme withheld)—one day's pay 5 9 7 . -Chief Clerks in Whitehall, Downing Street, Ste., one shil- ling each 3 0 0 • . The Standard, John Bel, and Morning Post, 51. each 15 0 0 . „Duke of, Wellington—copy of Campbell's. Pleasures of Hope, worn, value 0 2 6 :Princess Lieven, amount secret.

Count Matusehewitz, amount most ditto. Coontess ofJersey7-a ticket for Almack's, value inappreciable. 'Earl Howe (for self, &c.). 0 2 0 anti-estFhctive ' 5 0 0


Colonel SIBTLIORP presents his coraplimenti to the Secretary of the Con- servative Club. A great military character, General Datzuw., let his beard grow till CEIARLRS the Second was restored. Colonel SIBTHORr has, since his rejection at Lincoln, cut off his winstachioss and rowedioshave himse:fregularly, evet y other day at least, till the rill/mous Reform Bill shi'l be repealed. Als military man, he considers this an ample sacrifice for the Cogsedafi dims. Pig and Whistle, Wapping (on ins way to reeonaoitre the &Me Itoferlet of

Antwerp), December Slat. , • Bankrup'ey Court. De....enther 21st IfilW

S1R-1 should 'nave been happy, if able, to comply with your suggestioa ; hot the fact is, that my pie's ings in this Court are but sroall, and there are. marry rails ou me arising nom the engagements into which I entered,—my noble_ haus.: cm darhun Terrace, 1hr example; where 'expected to live and die .1./nder- Se:!...t...;'; rf Sate f r the Colouivs. However, so reat is my reprd for ble.. 111' NT, ilrit I am to subscrib.e coltingently. That is to say, provided t sho:il n, reanpokail n, my former office, I will give to the honourable ex-ment.-- No. f Pres:en either a day's in or a hundred thousantlacres of land either be Canada, or Southor New South Wales, or Van Diemen's Land, or oA;:st: ; all 2one ta moo. I much fear, though, that the low at--- to:rd,r; and .1::'y sho:;!.„t:;.rs ;dm ate a'iont to govern England (Dostructives, the 1):'t pi`t- Chem) will prevent my precious friend, the dear' Duke, from r. iorni ag to power. I lv, you see, amongst the wretched crew,_ knot' thjr bh:ck:;t: tri feelim7s. But if I should he agreeably disappointed in th;s r • yect, phtase ty s.ecl word far inc in the Climb; so. that I may have ley old , WitiL &t truth, that I know as much about Cu- loc.ies as have kept A 17—why the Devil did they mit keep :172? 1 wish it pnwer t:c subscribe for poor Bust ; to tell vou the truth, 1 kive thou:41a for some time of asking. the Chili to f,ub- sCrib'.. for Ine., one 'oftlt Meat unkttppy vi.ttintsof lief02111, 14011,11:E Twiss.

Hatfield-, Cliristtnag Day, 1:-IVe a great :.,tspeet fur ,Mr. Iftvt, an) think that he haw a s'trmg clii ci cc, the ; but you Inuit lie aware tt:ir I hate in-. eu erre.? great emprnsea fur the Conservative cause by the late eleetiom My twos.' membets rtierdlaVe cost me—t dare not sac how etneh,. TbeCled, mar depend on their votes,.sinis.t they are i.hAter/ to follow my directions or resign.- Itt casit either of them should hold an opiaion contrary' to mine, I shall ba happy- . to return Mr. 111L'N'r la Ili ••ploee. •- I reni„tin, drar Sir, 'touts v,rrk' troli;

• Tamar rth Part:, D•tendi:n 23d.

-DEAR ; hat 1 desire that you will not plahlish my name in any list of sititsrptions. I. begin- fit fean that if over with the Consery ti re ; aid ‘valint hy openly :wowing of Mr. Itc friendk exertions in our Ittetto,,- renth•••r st intOossi:de that • I should high!' . :ton me leis, come what 11.11.V. .1!:1' to odd, that I think koctrr luciusit Ow Press to s;ittak.t.-s they th, ef Cord Atatione's aittki;!r. ra;sr.rs,'*• speeches at Northampton aml Lanca.:iter. I 04.,-;ht cc not•ratlan ta hail the _flout measu tmr.t• Of the ',nig: as a retort' to Cotar•rrativc prinriples; from which, to 'speak ti it rh, thy newt pot .r.vetv,7•1 :id' they brunglr ohh:tporliii! subo:it to criatgil• in the Ciii,. Th!.sre is no gaying what inav hap.s..n.. It is now that 37-I.:cannot tura it tfo, it/lista; hot, may wt nut joni diem ? Or, tit:n.1% niity ntyliViey itin ns and heroine glad to let ItA join then t Neva:. its My life wi I so painfully perplexed. - Put down iny :All. ;:onting the Workbag • ek:s.Fes ; and believe hni am reninia v'ell; 0 lily,' Ronzu-r

. .

.4.wh•;;;A. Deaead,r

• . .

Lord 1:s.orl::: is sarnrised at • the tatreatwialthr reircest of the 1-.4s r,torned two rit,:oltet's h•mml nthli and heds to Vae. against

the Itt..stroctivc•. This is as much as ought to. he ettpitctrd of toy one noble-

wan, and niore than richer Conservatives have done •Ihe though not bother..41.with a stud like Lid Ea m: roll- Lord E,ma:o re:pies/4 the Secretary to p+itit mit t■ members, that the rascally Beform Bill'works well at -Stamford, Ii: im•2,- ,L.birti to the numh:rt ui Lot-_I EXETER'S own yotea, and promisin.g to Iii, icklu considerably those of the Des: active thetio'n itt his. ttnen.. Members of the Club should take note of this, in order that, Wh::::1 tie- Bill shall he re- pealed, that part of it which relates to Stamford may bec4fello4y tweserved. • ilaccititon PI,". D;N:nrlier 2ith.