29 DECEMBER 1838, Page 7

., meeting of the comity of clack mannan to as

held on 'Monday. in

the marhet-plaett of et' 1berdorn! 1vesiding.—t1T the purpose of congratulating L.rd. ISurdetin on 10, ret strn home. and " expressing their firm adhereace to those ',aloe:ids, which, his Lordship expressed at 61a,gow iu ls:14, anti reiterated ;al a late oceasiou at Devon- port.- The address, proposed by the MVO' t !,!t• ..ltur- ray, was carried unanimously. The 1'hcwtisrs are numerous tad active in Chtekinannanshire but they joined is the expression of 0 disposithnt to trust Lord ol■t:117', older his Lori-Lip's iispice% those lent. and coastitutional re;.•anis. earusstly desired Ly the people of this ssittutry.-