29 DECEMBER 1838, Page 9

The Reverend J. Ti. aitephees was arrested on Thureday, at


under-Lyne, on a warrant of t JO, aces, 7alesers. az:mule:eon and Hen- worthy. The waream charged Sesphees with haviue use d violtat

and hitiammatory Luigi:age at near Worsley„ in Novetuber

He was apprehended ia the street, at noon. eed asken in a post-. haiee to Manchester, and thence to Woreley for examine-doe. Colonel Wemyss, vomunnaling-ollicer of the district, ordered a troop of the Queen's Bays to escort the prisoner and policemen ; but there wes not the slightest disturbance. No Meaistram could be Mend at Worsley on their ar- rival, and the examination e as 1.111. (01