29 DECEMBER 1849, Page 19


BEITISli FENDS. (C30aIng Prices.)

&Nord. . Ifissdap.i Weems.

I per Cleat Consols.... ..

Ditto for Amount

11}ser Cents Rade/mid al per Cants

Long Ann dies Bank Stock, 7 perCent India Stock, 10j

-Exchequer Bills, ljd. perdiem India Bondi, 4 jper Cent.


(Last Official @notation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian- 6 p. Ct. — Massachusetts (Steriliag)...6 .p:Ct. Belgian 421 68 Mexican 6 6 — Ditto —

Brazilian .......... .......6 — 681 Michigan lUssiesippi (Sterling) 6 - Buenos Ayres 6 ttlj New York (14116) ..... ....6 — •

Chilian 6 Ohio . 6

Danish 3 --- Pennsylvania 6 - Dutch (Es. 12 GaildeeM — +6i — 141 Peruvian Ditto 65 Portuguese 6 - French 8 — ..-- Ditto

Ditto 6 — 921 Russian . 6 — Indiaua (Sterling) 6 — --- Spanish a -

Minot. 6 42 Ditto......, • 3 - Kentucky — Ditto (Passive) Louisiana (Sterling) 6 89 Ditto (Defetved) .. . Marylaud (Sterling) a — 31 Venesuela Active

(Last Official Quotation


during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

161 Australasian 281 British North American 7 Colottial Commercial of London 230 London and 'Westminster 31 London Joint Stock 671 Natlunal of Ireland - National Provincial ....... • 54} Provincial of Ireland - Union of Australia

79 Union of London a Mamas—

loaf Solana 44j , Brazilian Imperial 11 Ditto (St- John Del Rey) 19 Cobre Copper 61 . Misezttiaso es- Ite Australian Agricultural ...

17} • Canada ' General Steam - Peninsular and Oriental Steam , 119 'loyal Mail Steam SOexd. South Australian



Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern

Great North or England Great South. and West. Ireland

Great Western Null and Selby Lancashire and 7orkshlre Lancaster eau Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell Landon and North-western Midland North +British -Booth-eastetn and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland Deets-- East and West India Loudon fit. liatherine 243 211 25 ,361 43} 128

101 16 ge 26 786K d.


BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32. for the weekending on Saturday, the 22d day of December 1849. ISSUE DEPARTMENT•

£38,488577 136,488,677 • Including Exchequer,Savings Banks. Counalssioners of National Debt &Dividend/teat METALS. Per ton.

Copper, British Cakes E84 0 0 .. 0 41 0 Iron, British Bars .... b 10 0 .. 6 0

Lead, British Pig . 15 15 0 .. 16 0 0 Steel ,Ruglish 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0

I. 8.

Wheat, R. New 36 to40

Pine 40-42

Old...... —40 White ...., 42-45


Per O., (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat 30s. 7d.Eye 23s. 51. Wheat IA CM. I Rye 1.04, I Barley 27 5 Beans 25 0 1 Barley 1 0 Beans 1 0 Oats 16 6 l Peas 29 10 Oats 1 0 I Peas 1 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending Dec. 22. Wheat.28s.Id.—Barley,255.951.—Oata, 15. 91 —Rye, 22. 01.—Beans, 27,. 24.—Peas, 28s.114


Entter—RostPreah,144. Od. per doz. Carlow, 31. 125. to 91. 18. per owl. Bacon, Isiah per cwt. dlr.— 46r.

Cheese, Cheshire 46 — 68 Derby Plain .. . 46 — 55 Muni, York 60 — 74 Eggs, French, per 120, 7a. 8d. to 94. 6d.


Newoivn awn LEADMILLI... EiXIT1571.1... Haas or CATTLE AT 5. 1. a d. 5. d. .... d. s. d. s. sl. Be rrarraLs.

Beef . , 2 8 to 3 .2 to 3 8 ..... 2 8 to 3 8 to 4 2 Friday. Monday.

Mutton 2 8 — 3 0-3 8 3 4 3 10 — 4 4 Beasts. 731 1,646

Veal .. 3 0 — 3 8 — 4 4 2 10 — 3 10 — 4 4 Sheep. 1,630 7,650

Lanab.•0 0— 0 0 0 0 .0 U 0 0 — 0 0 Pork— 3 0 —3 8 4 4 3 10 — 4 2 — 4 6 Calves. 160 75

Figs... 260 110

• To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


York Regents. per ton. 805. to 1104.

Scotch Reds 0 — 0 Derma 0 — 0 Kern and Ewes Whites 0 — o Hay, Good Inferior HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Truisms.)


50 — 69 0 — 0 9 — 0

68. to 725. 434. to Ws. ....— ..... 654. to &is.

0 — 0 0 — o New 80 — 68 60 — BO CO — 130 Clover 24 — 30 Wheat/ am OLLS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt./2 25. 6d.

Utilised 1 .3 0

Linseed 011 1 9 6 Linseed Oil-Cake .... - per 1000 8 10 U Candles, per dozen, 4. ild. to 6s. 6d. Mould, (&/.per doz. disamint) D. Od.

Coals,Iiettaa .... . Ma. 9d. Tees 184.114

14,tosissized 130284,630

Government Debt /11,015,100 Other Securities 2.95400 Gold Coin and Bullion 16,007123 Sliver Bullion 277,077

R39,284,531 , £30.381.630


Proprietors' Capital /14,563,000 Government Securities, (in-

Rest 3,114.159 eluding Dead NV eigh tAmsuityLEIL,310.680

Public Deposits* 10,263,701 Other Securities 10960566 Other Deposits 9,488.580 Notes Seven Day and other Bilis 1,0e9,234 Gold and Silver Coin 12,451.220 796,012


13 ra

96j ez.

— 203 214

abut --- 12pm. 66

Ilbsni. 97



2 2j 60 88


961 978 81

40 ,

.91 Fridells 91

se as




64j ex d.

101 ex d. 83 664 63 ioN 366

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold InBara, Standard ... £3 17 9 Foreign GoldinOoin,PartugalPleees 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 10 Silver in liars, Standard — . . 0 4 Ilj

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Dee. 213.

Rye 21 ton

Barley 18 —SO 26 —26 halt, Ord 10 —52 Fine 62-65 Peas, Hog 26 —27


Maple 28 to29 White 33 —25 Boilers 26 —28 Beaas,Ticks 24 —26 Old 27 —28 Harrow 26 —28 Oats, Feed . 1514116 Fine. 16 —17 Poland .. 17 —19 Fine . 18 —.19 Potato ... 21-22 Fine . 22 —23 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 40s. to 43.

Seconds 37 — 40 Essex and Elutrolk.on board ship MI — 38 Norfolk and Stockton 33 36

Bran per quarter o — 0 Pollard,rine 0 0 Bread, 6,1. to 7d. the Lib. loaf.

WS. KentPocket* 1355. to lee..

Choice ditto iso — 240

Sussex Pockets 120 — 135 Fine ditto 180 — 242


Tea,ffiebea, fine, ...per lb. Os. Od.M 02.0d.

Comma, line Souchong, fine 1 8 — 2 3

• In Bond—Duty 2s. 11. per lb. Coffee, One (in bond) per cwt. 705. to 110s. Good Ordinary 605. —M. Sugar, MuscoradO,per cwt 27. 04 West India Makatea 14.-61.4.0 18s. OL