29 DECEMBER 1855, Page 19


Wan-omen, Dec. 25.-Infantry.-60th Regiment of Foot-Lieut. the Hon. A. C. J. Liddell to be Cape by purchase, vice Earle, appointed to the Rifle Brigade.

Rifle Brigade-Capt, C. W. Earle, from the 60th Foot, to be Capt. vice Drummond, who retires.

Wart-orrice. Dec. 28.-Cavalry,--Royal Regt. of Horse Guards-Cornet R. M. L. Williarns-Bulkeley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gambier, who retires; W. P. Carew, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Baillie, promoted ; Lieut. T. Leslie to be Capt. by purchase, rice Sutton, who retires; Cornet Sir B. P. Henni- ker, Bart. to he Lieut, by purchase, vice Breeden, who retires.

3d Drag. Guards-Cornet Boucher, from the 1st Drags, to be Cornet; with- out purchase, vice Holdforth, appointed to the 6th Drag. Guards.

6th Drag. Guards-G. S. Le G. Stoddart, Gent, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Astley, promoted.

7th.Drag. Guards-G. F.. Ormsby, Gent, to lie Cornet, by purchase, vice Walker, promoted. let Drags.-J. C. Boucher. Gent, to be Cornet, by porch. vice Sandeman, prom, 7th Light Drags.-Cornet G. F. Ormsby, from the 7th Drag. Guards, to be Cor- net, without purchase.

11th Light Drags.-Cornet G. E. B. Potts to be Lieut, by purchase, vice King, who retires; Lieut. W. Cunnighame, from the Renfrew Militia, to be Cornet, with- out purchase, vice Yates, promoted.

12th Light Drags. -Assist.-Surg. G. A. Turnbull to be &erg. vice Tuson, ap- pointed to the Staff.

Infantry. -Coldstream Guards-Capt. the Hon. H. W. Campbell, from the Rills Brigade, to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Markham; who retires.

Sat Foot-The surname of the Assist.-Surg. appointed on 10th of Aug. 1855, is Mackay, and his commission has been antedated to 27th Oct. 1854.

17th Foot-The name of the Ensign appointed on the 14th inst. is Colquhotue and not Colhoun, as previously stated.

18th Foot-Lieut. H. H. Dare, from Paymaster, 238 Foot, to be Lieut. vice A. C. Elliott, appointed to the 94th Foot; Ensign E. Hall, from the 40th Foot, to be En- sign, without purchase.

238 Foot-Quartermaster J. Aston to be Paymaster, vice H. Date, appointed to the 18th Foot.

26th Foot-T. Turner, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase,. vice Lukie, promoted in the 64th Foot.

29th Foot-Lieut. H. T. Jameson, from. the 3d West India Regiment, to be Pay. master, vice Naylor, appointed Paymaster for Army Services.

30th Foot-Capt. E. Charles, from the Royal London Militia, to be Paymaster, vice Fitzgerald. 36th Foot-Lieut. T. Rice to be Capt. by purchase, vice Carden, who retires.

97th Foot--U. J. U. Mason, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Fleece, pro- moted.

40th Foot-B. Hall, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, rice Cook, promoted ; Lieut. T, 0. Johnston, from the Leitrim Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Hall, appointed to the 18th Foot.

48th Foot-Fnsign C. R. Pennington to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Trent, pro- moted; 'P. Hall, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Pennington.

50th Foot-Lieut. E. H. Steward, from the 67th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Harbert. promoted. 528 Foot-Acting-Assist.-Surge H. A. Gogarty to be Assist.-Surg .; Acting-AS. sist.--Surg. C. A. Innes, M.D. to be Assist,-Surg. 53d Foot-Ensign A. K. Ffrench to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Robertson, dec.; Lieut. F. J. S. Brockhurst, from the 5th Lancashire Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. vice A. K. Ffreneh. 58th Foot-R. Newton, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bond, promoted. 135th Foot-Ensign J. W. Lewis to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Little, who retires. 70th Foot-Acting Assist.-Surg, A. Grant to be Assist-Burg.

76th Foot-Capt. J. Young, from half-pae. Iffith Foot, to be Cape vice Senhouse, who exchanges ; Lieut. J. W. Preston to be Capt. by purchase, vice Young, who retires.

77th Foot-The appointment of Lieut. Waters to the Adjutancy to bear date the IOth Nov. 1855, instead of 21st Dec. as previously stated.

79th Foot-G. Doff, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Sinclair, appointed to the 78th Foot.

838 Foot-AssisteSurg. H. C. Miles, from the Staff, to be Assise-Surg. viceBetre, promoted on the Staff.

85th Foot-To be Ensigne, by purchase-G. H. Bowles, Gent. vice Ward, pro- rioted ; 11. J. Birch, Gent. vice Br. K. Taylor, promoted. 80th Foot-Capt. A. R. Gale, from half-pay 20th Foot, to be Capt. vice Thom- ton, who exchanges.

88th Foot-W. Hatfield, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase ; Quartermaster-Serg. W. Evans to be Quartermaster, vice Moore, appointed to a Depot Battalion. 89th Foot-Lieut. R. F. Harrison, from the Denbigh Militia, to be Ensign', without purchase, rice E. Hales, whose appointment on 21st March has been can. celled.

938 Foot-Lieut. F. R. Macnamara, from the Dublin Artillery Militia, to be En- sign, without purchase. 97th Foot-The surname of the Ensign appointed on the 25th September last is Slater. and not Slater, as previously stated.

99th Foot-W. A. Bond, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Burton, prom. Rifle Brigade -J . Hook, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase.

Ceylon Rifle Regiment-Assist.-Sur. F. Cogan, from the Staff, lobe Assist.-Surge vice Croft, promoted on the Staff.

Land Transport Corps-To be Veterinary Surgeons-W. Dorrotield, Gent.; G. Fleming, Gent.; J. Bale, Gent. ; J. Moor, Gent. The undermentioned officers have been permitted to resign their commisidons-S,coad Capt. T. Downie, Quar- termaster of Brigade A: Maclean.

British German Legion -let Light Dragoons-Major A. Yates, from the 28 Light Drags, to be Major, vice Cartwright, who exchanges; W. C. Burton, formerly of the Bavarian Cavalry, to be Capt. To be Lieutenants-W. Ward, formerly of the Austrian Imperial Hussars. Marquis Louis Guadagni. To be Cornets-J. von Bergen, formerly of the Austrain Imperial Drags.; T. M. Torreaui, 2d Light Dragoons-Major F. Cartwright, from the let Light Drags. to be Major, vice Yates, who exchanges. To be Cornett -W. J. Wyatt, formerly of the Austrian Imperial Hussars ; II. Whitbreel. G. L. Anthony. 3d Jirger Corps-To be Lieutenant-Golo- nel-Commandant -H. 0. Bowles, formed.), of Rifle Brigade. To be Major-F. Weiss. To be Captains-G. de Korponay, A. von lessen, M. de Carstensen, I. de Ziemecki, J. dePlisudske P. Schumann. To be Lieutenants-S. von Schwartsenhorn, Baron W. von Essen, G. Daly, L. Rohrerrle von Shepsop, C. Samsey. To be Ensigns- A. Ritter, J. Barchett, Baron 8. von Leski. To be Surgeon-F. Ashenfeldt. To be Assistant-Surgeon-C. Biel. To be Paymaster-L. It. Haslewood. To be Quartermaster-J. Gardiner. 28 Light Infantry. To be Majors-C. Adams, vice Bathurst, promoted in the 5th Light Infantry; C. F. A. Weisse, vice V. Wenke. To be Captains-C. la Croix, H. Hansen, E. Hiedel, C. von Brendle, le von Brake', R. Schmidt, E. flinching, 11. von Prekopowitsch, W. von Gaugreben, H. Hansen. To be Lieutenants-C. E. Praise, H, Heinecken, H. Cause, A. Gropp, E. Thomas, P. Reimer, W. Rider, E. Baseon, G. von Whim. To be Ensigns-A. Descondres, J. Beaumont, V. Julius. A. Wiederkehr, G. Chelius, 0, La Croix, A. von Buddenbrock, F. Loffier, D. Steiger' L. Schmidt. To be Adjutant-Lieut. E. Thomas. To be Surgeon-L. Straube. To beAesistant-Surgeons-A. Dirkhige C. Becker. 3d Light Infantry-To be Major-G, Talbot. To be Captains-A. von Carove, Hermann von Humbracht, Carl Blauel, Itudelpji Seelemann, Edward Meter, Friedrich Dohse, Charles Mills, Georg Otto Clausen, Leandro Galmanini. Alfons von Gontard. To be Lieutenants-Theodore-Schellhorn, Augustus Schmid, Carl Jannasch,. Wilhelm. Strecker, G. Reisewitz, A.. E. Bauer, J. Gilldner, -C. Fuchs. To be Ensigns-R. Cumberlege, L. von Zastrow, 0. Goetz, H. Broccker, C. :Bricker, F. D. Macbeth, H. Henegan, A. Blittner. To be Adjutant-A. Schmid. To be Surgeon-A. Lentrel. To be Assistaet-Surgeons-F. Hartmann, Schrtunm. To be Field Chaplain to the 2d Brigade-The Rev. 0. Williams. 4th Light Infantry-L. von Classen to be Major. 5th Light Infantry-Major I. Bathurst, from the 2d. Light Infantry, to be Major Commandant; F. C. C, von Wencke to be Major.

British Swiss Legion-2d Light Infantry-To be Captains-Lieut. I... Hasslimann and Lieut. J. Spindler. To be Lieutenants-Ensigus F. Ktilill, B. Schmidt, K. Funk, and E. Trincano. The appointment of Lieut. Soho: to bear date 1st Oct. instead of the 19th November 1855.

Unattached-Lieut. G. Swaby. from the 89th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase.

Star. -Major H. F. F. Johnson, of the 5th Foot, to be Deputy Quartermaster, Gen. to the Forces serving in the Mauritius, with the rank of Lieut.-Col. in the Army, vice Brevet-Col. Robe, whose period of Staff service has expired ; Paymaster J. H. Matthews, late of the Cork Recruiting District, to be Paymaster for Army Services.

Hospital Stejf-To be Staff-Surgeons of the Second Clase-Surg. E. B. Talton, from the 12th Light Drags.; Assist.-Surg. R. W. Read, from the 528 Foot; Mad.- aurg. J. bPG. T. Croft, from the Ceylon Rides. To be Assistant-Surgeons to the Forces -Acting Assist-Surge. M. J. Jones, II. J. Rose, and- 0. Baly. Act- ing Assiet.-Surg. G. P. Barton has been permitted to resign his appointment, he having been transferred to the Osmanli Irregular Cavalry.

Brevet. -Major-Gen. Sir C. Campbell, G.C.B. serving with the rank of Lieut.. Gen. in Turkey, to have the local rank of Gen. in Turkey; Capt. J. Young, 76th Foot, to be Major in the Army, Nov. 23, 1841; Brevet-Major J. Young, 761.11. Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army, Nov. 11, 1831; Capt. A. R. Gale, 86th Foot, to be Major in the Army, Jan. 10, MT; Brevet-Major A. R. Gala, 8131k Foot, to be Lieut.- Col. in the Army, Nov. 11, 1861; J. T. Johnston, Gent, to have the local rank of Cornet while employed in die Land Transport Corps of the Turkish Contingent; W. II. Kirton, Gent. to have the local rank of Surg. while employed in the Turkish Contingent. To have the local rank of Surg, while serving with the Osmanli Ca- valry, attached to the Turkish Contingent-Dr. W. S. Rooks, D. B. Balding, Gent.