29 DECEMBER 1866, Page 3

Sir T. M. Wilson is again doing all in his

power to rob the public of Hampstead Heath, by letting ground upon it on building leases for twenty-one years. He appears to lend no ear at all to the remonstrances of the copyholders and the public, —irritated, as his friends aasert, by the refusal of Par- liament to let him appropriate tha Finchley Road Estate. The only way seems to be to buy the Heath from him, and for this purpose a metropolitan rate would be well worth while. We believe that the Metropolitan Commons' Act of last session does not give the Commissioners of Open Spaces power to compel a sale, but Sir T. M. Wilson would probably sell on reason- able terms, and if not, Parliament ought not to hesitate, and we beliete would not hesitate, to pass an Act to compel him to do so.