29 DECEMBER 1894, Page 2

We do not always quite believe in the Judenhetze. So

many Continental journalists are Jews, and they are so sensitive. Sarcasms at which Seotehmen would smile, drive them frantic, and so do threats, which apply no more to them than to other millionaires. There must, however, be very bitter hatred against Jews both in Germany and France. In Germany, for example, Herr Ahlwardt, who in spite of his violence represents a real force, describes the Jews as things "representing an intermediate stage between human beings and the beasts," who "have seized upon the greater part of the property in the country." The Anti-Semites in France also have taken advantage of the fact that Captain Dreyfus is a Jew, to declare that Jews are incapable of patriotism, and ought to be expelled en masse, even if they do not provoke a war of extermination. England is at this moment by far the safest place in Europe for Jews, and perhaps the only place in which their rise to high positions provokes neither comment nor hostility. Curiously enough, while the dislike to them on the Continent is obviously part of the dislike to the capitalist, the only race-hatred manifested here is , to the very poor. In France and in Germany, the baked Jew is the flaunting Jew full of money and crypto- insolence ; but in England the hated Jew is the humble joiner -or tailor who never asks poor-relief, bat works sixteen hours a day for 12s. a week, and yet manages to live.