29 DECEMBER 1906, Page 25

The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. By J. G.

Millais. .Vol. III. (Longmans and Co. .E6 6s.)—This is the concluding volume of a great work. We gave an appreciation of the first volume when it appeared (Spectator, November 26th, 1904), and must be content with an emphatic repetition of the praise which we then felt bound to bestow. The contents of this volume are, giving the popular names, hare and rabbit, elephant, hippo- potamus, wild boar, deer (six kinds), bison, tte., sheep and goats, ea mammals. The illustrations are as admirable as the text. They are not limited to the representation of form, colour, &o., for they give the animal in his living energy. The frontispiece, for instance, pictures to us "Killers Attacking an Atlantic Right Whale." The "deer" pictures are especially good. We con. gratulate both the author and the publishers on the completion of a work which does all concerned in its production the greatest possible credit.