29 DECEMBER 1917, Page 18

Some Neglected Aspects of the War. By Spenser Wilkinson. (Oxford

University Press. is. net.)—Profossor Wilkinson in this suggestive lecture declares that, since Sir William Robertson was appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff, "the operations of the Army have had a new character" and "the improvement of the Army in every respect has been wonderful." He points out that the fundamental issue is the command of the sea, and urges that the best strategist the Navy can find should, as First Sea Lord, be placed on a level with the Chief of the General Staff, and in immediate touch with the Prime Minister. "We talk of recon- struction after the war ; I think we should be wiser to talk and to think of reconstruction during the war for the purpose of victory." "Should we not be wiser to assume a long-lasting war and to work patiently, than to act hastily in the belief that victory is near at hand ! "