29 DECEMBER 1917, Page 2

The Italian defeat, continued Mr. Lloyd George, and the Russian

armistice had imposed new and serionis obligationa upon the Allies. We must make greater sacrifices in the New Year to strengthen our armies in the field, and to increase the supply of men for the Army. Pledges had been given last year tci the Trade Unions that men engaged In certain trades should be exempted from military service. The pledges were necessarily conditional and not absolute, but Mr. Henderson promised on behalf of the Coalition Ministry that the Trade Unions should be consulted if circumstances-compelled the Government to vary the agreement. Sir Auckland Geddes wOuld therefore meet the Trade Union leaders during the Recess. Mr. Lloyd George said that a fresh reserve of men was needed, so that men who had been wounded again and again would not have to be sent back to the fighting-line. The next .few months would 'be the most trying- months of the war, but we were in a far better position in regard to man-power than the enemy.