29 DECEMBER 1923, Page 2

Mr. Frank B. Kellogg, the new American Ambassador in London,

is a lawyer with a very high reputation and is already well known in England. He was formerly a Senator. The writer of an appreciation in the Daily Mail last Saturday points out that Mr. Kellogg comes from the Middle West, where the policy of belief in isolation is very strong ; but however strict Mr. Kellogg may be in that creed, he has declared his intention of doing every- thing he can to maintain Anglo-American friendship. Mr. Kellogg has been President of the American Bar Association—a distinction which is really a distinction. He is chiefly known for his achievement, which is related as much to politics as to the law, in winning a victory in the Courts over the Standard Oil Company, the Paper Trust and the Union Southern Pacific Rai way when he acted as special counsel for the American Government. He prevented the proposed combine and was known afterwards as the " Trust Buster."