29 DECEMBER 1939, Page 18


Sta,—Miss Sayers accuses others of ignorance, and shows her own. She writes that Christ claimed to be God, and quotes John viii, 58 and xviii, 5. She seems not to know that students of the Bible agree that the Fourth Gospel is a religious medi- tation on Christ's life, rather than a history. The sayings of Christ it contains cannot be assumed to be his real words, without further proof.

Has Miss Sayers forgotten that Christ was a Jew, speaking to Jews? The Jews were fanatical monotheists. Is it pro- bable Christ would have told them he was God? Who was Christ? Who did he claim to be? Miss Sayers, without knowing it, has stumbled upon a very difficult and intricate problem in history. Theological students learn the outlines of the problem. Many people think that we have not enough evidence to reach a complete and assured answer. If she would like to learn the elements of the problem and some of thz possible answers, she might read the article " Christology " in Jackson and Lake, The Beginnings of Christianity, part r, vol. t. Miss Sayers' own answer is certainly wrong.—Yours, J. K. NETTLEFOLD. Bitterley Rectory, Ludlow, Salop.