29 DECEMBER 1961, Page 10


SER,—Among readers highly delighted by Mr. Bamber Gascoignc's incisive exposure of 'The Mind of MRA' (December 8) surely some must have been distressed, as I was, to see the scalpel slip at a given stage during the operation and inadver- tently lop off a particle of truth together , with all the rest of the rot which he slung into the swab-bucket.

Becatte each Buchmanite dictum was picked from depths of inanity to. illustrate an extreme and amazing state of mental decay, the production of a single sane sample amid the exhibits spoilt our fun. We were invited to scoff at the plain statement that formerly 'in some Western countries divorce, per- version and dishonesty were a bar to social recog- nition and public success' Having already swallowed Mr. Gascoigne's implied denial that the divorce rate is a disregarded symptom of crisis in the Western world, as an MRA mouthpiece affirmed, for two pins we might have been persuaded that, 'rather than dishonest, the association of divorce and dis- honesty' was merely—typically—`glib and naive.'

Well, as for me, I'll join the Sophisticates, versus the Simpletons, every time. If a vow or a contract can be broken without dishonour, for convenience or the hell of it, there's certainly no reason to confuse unrelated, unimportant values; we can make necessity a virtue, instead of the other way about, and our moral disarmament should prove as cosy - a perfect shelter—as anyone could wish.