29 FEBRUARY 1868, Page 21

Our Eternal Destiny : Heaven or Hell. By the Rev.

Charles Rogers, LL.D. (Houlston and Wright.)—It is, no doubt, possible to confirm the views contained in this book by taking the letter of the Bible. Dr. Rogers considers it "certain that oar Lord wears in Heaven a material form ;" that " the fires of hell are material ; any other doctrine would not accord with the express declarations of Scripture." He calculates

in the most cheerful manner that there is space enough within the crust of the earth to contain the entire population who ever dwelt upon its surface, which reminds us of the hangman's criticism on a gallows, that five could hang there very comfortably. It is hardly worth our while to enter seriously into the argument. If Dr. Rogers can persuade any persons to hold it, he may perhaps be able to persuade some people to read his book. We cannot find him either readers or converts.