29 JANUARY 1831, Page 11



The German mail which arrived this morning, brings accounts from Cracow, stating that the Emperor of Russia is disposed to accede to the wishes of the Poles. This is probably a ruse ; or it may, perhaps, be accounted for from the poor condition of the Russian commissariat, of which authentic accounts have been received here.

Letters from Antwerp state, that the Scheldt is open ; but that, in consequence of the badness of the weather, no vessels had arrived. There is a strong feeling at Antwerp in favour of the Prince o Orange.

Letters from Brussels, of the 26th, inform us that the public feel- ing there is enthusiastic for the election of the Duke of LEUCHTE:e- BERG ; and the walls are chalked with " Death to the Orangists ! Leuchtenberg for King!" Mr. BRESSON and Lord PONsONBV are expected to leave Brussels if the election should fall on the Duke ; and the moderate party fear that the French will interfere hostilely. Vain fears !

It is stated in the City, that an express has arrived from Paris, an- nouncing that a counter-movement had taken place in favour of the Prince of ORANGE.