29 JANUARY 1831, Page 8



Saturday—Roh Roy—Davy Jones.

Mondoy—Williant Tell—Davy Jones.

Tuesday—Jealous Wife—Deaf as a Post—Davy Jones. Wedncsday—Werner—Turning the Tables—Davy Jones. Thursday—The Brigand—The Illustrious Stranger—Davy Jones. Friday—Werner—The Lady and the Devil—Davy Jones.


Saturday—Cinderella—Harlequin Fat, &c. Monday—Fazio—The Irishman in London—Harlequin Fat, &c. Tuesday—Cinderella—Harlequin Fat.

WednesdayFusio—The Youthful Queen—Harlequin Fat. Thursday—The Chancery Suit—Teddy the Tiler—Harlequin Fat. Friday—Cinderella—Harlequin Fat.

At Drury Lane the revival of William Tell has proved highly success ful. MACREADY'S performance in this part was as beautiful as ever; and a Miss POOLE, whom we have noticed with pleasure before, playe with naiveté and feeling as the young Albert. Miss CHESTER failed to interest the audience in the character of Mrs. 004 ; and her failure reminded us that Miss.Pursmes had performed the part in a graceful style two seasons back. Mr. MACREADY seems to think a jealous and tyrannical wife a very melancholy affair ; and so we grant it is to all parties actually concerned ; but the audience, unfeeling, thoughtless rogues ! come to laugh at, and not sympathize with their fellow-sufferer, Oakty ; who, therefore, instead of looking eternally tragical and Ivo-begone, would do well to set off his troubles with a sort of lackadaisical elasticity of manner, such as YOUNG used so successfully to infuse into the part. We regret to observe the continued absence of Miss IIIORDAUNT ; who, notwithstanding what we said last week of her voice, is, when she pleases to be so, a very useful and agree- able performer in genteel comedy. There seems to be a great dearth of the Listonian fun here; a new farce in this line should fetch a high premium.

At Covent Garden, the farce of the Irishman in London has been revived, with a very inferior cast, in which POWER, as Muntocls Data- ney, is thesole attraction. By the by, why is this styled in the bills his first appearance " in the character,"— while, if we mistake not, he played it at the Haymarket two or three years ago ? There has been another "indisposition" this week, in the person of Mr. Wirssost ; whose absence has postponed the production of Mr. BISHOP'S new ope- ratic drama till Thursday next. Besides this, a new petite comedy called. time Married Lovers, whim new music by BARNETT, and a strong cast— including BARTLEY, WARDE, POWER, Miss FORDS and Miss Tasmon. —is advertised to appear after the tragedy of Fazio on Wednesday.

At Drury Lane, KEAN is to appear again (qv. after his return from America ?) as Richard the Third ; and on Tuesday, Mr. LEE'S long. talked of adaptation of AUBLIt'S Fra Diarolo is to be produced. The cast will include WALLACE, BEDFORD, HARLEY, Mrs. WAYLETT,Sx.


Mr. NATHEWS'S appearance in a new character drew an overflowing house to see The King of the Alps and the itlimitihrope ; a serio-comico- moral burletta, which is one of time most extraordinary combinations. of the supernatural, sentimental, and burlesque, that ever amazed and amused a good-natured audience. The story is taken from the German, but is dished up by Mr. BUCKSTONE as a sort of olla podrida of incon- gruous ingredients to suit the palate of an Adelphi audience, and for the purpose of pressing into the service the whole strength of the company. The hero of the piece, John Rappelkof (Mr. MATHE‘. S), is a retired bookseller, who having been plagued with two wives, one of them posi- tively bad and the other indifferent, has married a third, vim proving a good one, he seeks in the indulgence of his morbid irritability of temperament that misery which fate has at length denied him. Accordingly he broods over past injuries, until he convinces him- self that he is hated by all the world, and proceeds in a course of furniture-breaking, wife-and-daughter-hating, man-and-maidoerrify. ins-, until he drives himself nearly mad, and makes every one avoid him. Then he fancies himself the object of a conspiracy ; that his wife encou- rages his daughter's passion for " a wretched painter," only to spite him ; and, at last, works himself up to believe that his wife seeks to murder him. This last suspicion is confirmed to his imagination, by his detec. tion of a simple man-servant, Grimm (B ucKSTONE), with a knife in his hand ; who, on being questioned, is only allowed to stammer outin terror, that "his mistress sent him to cut "—"my throat ! " rejoins Rappelkoff;—" a cabbage," would have said the man, but his master won t hear. John Rappelkoff then comes to the very wise and prudent resolution of filling his pockets as full of gold as his head is of fancies ; and, like another Manfred, flying to the Alps, there to seek a refuge from his complicated miseries in solitude. Accordingly, he rushes forth in a puce-coloured coat, black satin unmentionable's, blue silk stockings, and gold shoe-buckles as large as miniature frames; and meeting with a drunken charcoal-burner (Joms REEVE), buys his hut. The family vacate it with their chattels at a moment's notice; and John Rappclkoff is alone and sits at the window enjoying a cleverly-con- trived sunset, in all the luxury of misery. Astragalus, the King of the Alps (Mr. YATES), a benevolent spirit, whose aid has been invoked by Rappelkoff's family, now appears to him in the guise of a Swiss hunter ; and, like a sagacious and skilful M.D., commences a very rational mode of curing his patient. Instead of clapping a strait waistcoat on him, and having him conveyed to a madhouse, he reasons and remonstrates with him on his folly, and endeavours to persuade him that his own ill- humours are the only cause of all his wretchedness ; but finding him obstinate in his delusion, and proof against threats and arguments, he proceeds to more vigorous treatment. He first sets fire to the hut, and when that is too hot to hold him, raises the bed of a mountain-torrent, and only saves the patient from drowning to reserve him for a severer trial. Assuming his kingly attributes, he takes the astonished bookseller into the upper regions and metamorphoses him into the form of his brother Silberkraut, for whose acts in the character of Rappelhoff he is to be answerable ; the Alp-King assuming the form, Of Rappelkof In the guise of Silberkraut, Rappelkoff proceeds to his home ; where he finds his family in great distress at his absence : he hears his own character from his servants, and finds that his daughter really loves him, and that "time wretched painter" is a very worthy fellow,- and is even convinced that his wife does not wish to murder him. Then enter Astragal= disguised as Rappelkoff, the family rejoicing in terror at his return. Rap- pelkoff is now witness Of his freaks of frenzy in the person of his don. ble ; and watches the proceedings of his other self with critical curiosity ; now thinking the part overdone, and that he never could have been so mad and outrageous, and then exclaiming, " Ah ! that's me," as he con- fesses to some act of folly or extravagance ; till at last the assumed Rappelkoff, to the consternation of his real prototype, rushes out to drown himself ; when the family invoke the power of the Alp-King, to save him, and the disguised persons resume their identities. MATHEWS'S acting was inimitable: Ile hugged his miseries, nourished his humours, and cherished his suspicions, as none but a really nervous man or a Marnews could. His representation of the character was marked with extraordinary truth, vigour, and delicacy,—with all the lights and shades and finishing touches of a master. YATES mimicked his partner with great gusto and vraisemblance, though with some broad touches of caricature, to mark the counterfeit ; but not so exaggerated as to make John Rap. pelkors wonder at his own peculiarities of manner and temper appear unnatural. The equivoque was ludicrous in the extreme, and the au- dience roared with laughter. The moral is good, and the fable abun- dantly amusing ; and we would recommend all those of nervous irritable temperaments to come and be cured by Doctors MATHEWS and YATES,- for if they fail of success, Doctors HASLAH and Munro will be tried in vain.

'We had almost forgotten the underplot, and a minor moral lesson against drunkenness, of which JOHN REEVE as Glowworm, the drowthy

charcoal-burner aforesaid, is the exemplar. He looked like one of

105TADE's drunken boors, and was the most philosophic:ad drunkards. He wallowed in drink like a hog in a-trough. • Glowtvorm intrusts to 'the care of his favourite boy a bag of Mr. Rappelkors gold ; and Hans, dumb savage, whom Glowworm kicks, cuffs, and • starves without remorse, carries away the child, and is going to murder it for the sake of the money, but a fairy charms him into a relenting fit with music. This fairy secretes the child, and consents to restore 'him to' his father on condition that he leaves off getting drunk. - This alternative staggers GlOWWOrilt as much as an extra dram would have done ; but, hard as is the condition, he promises to do his best to abstain from " schnaps and beer," and pledges his word to the Spirit. 0. Sum', as Haas, acted the character to, .the life : his wild . looks, inarticulate sounds, and ex- pressive pantomime, were those of some half-human creature, and fearfully true to savage nature.

TUE OLY3I I.:W.—A new comic and musical burletta, from the pen of Mr. '1'. H. RAYLY, has been produced here, called the Grenadier. Ma- dame VesT Ins plays the principal part ; whose duty. it is to mystify and afterwards satisfy the doubts of a jealous lover,—which she does by means of the two disguises of a Savoyard. girl and a grenadier. This trifle has been well received, and the house crowded as :usual. Miss FooeE has retired, preparatory to the opening of the Queen's Theatre.

THE SURREY.—A Miss M. C. POOLE, from the Norwich Theatre, has made a successful debut in the part of Mrs. hailer; OSEALDISTON playing the Stranger- We have not seen her yet ; but as her perform- ance is very well spoken of, we shall perhaps pay this house a visit ere long.

THE Ktsfo's THEATRE opens next Saturday ; on which occasion, it is said, the Queen will honour the theatre with her presence. A new ballet, in which Tacr.noxi will appear, is in active preparation ; the music to be composed by Cos TA.