29 JANUARY 1876, Page 24

Reboisement in France. Compiled by J. C. Brown, LL.D. (Henry

S. King and Co.)—The second title of this book is "Records of the Re- planting of the Alps, the Cevennes, and the Pyrenees, with Trees," 4fre. Dr. Brown's object is to induce the authorities of Cape Colony and Natal to follow the example of France, in taking measures to prevent the recurrence of great floods. The importance of the subject cannot easily be over-rated. Even in Our own country, the principle might probably be applied with advantage. Instead of foolish schemes for the cultivation of land which can never repay expenditure, a large plan for planting wastes -would be really useful. For countries subject to more violent storms than we here experience, it is an absolute necessity. The experience gathered in France is most interesting and instructive.