29 JANUARY 1916, Page 3

In both chambers of the Swedish Riksdag on Monday a

debate took place on the Government's policy. The Prime Minister received general support in his statement of the deter- mination of Sweden to remain strictly neutral. According to Reuter's report of the speech, he said :-

" When one enters on the road of concessions it is easy for one to got further and farther away from real neutrality. On the other hand, there is a risk that the dangerous restrictions of our right and liberty, should we submit to them, will probably remain in a more acute form until the end of the war, and even for the subsequent period, and will leave the definite result of a dependence economi- cally and politically painfuL Although we have in the interest of neutrality and independence renounced certain temporary benefits, the collective result for our industrial life has not become worse

than in other countries ; rather the contrary."