29 JANUARY 1916, Page 30

Scotland Yard : its Men and Methods. By George Dilnot.

(1 Percival Marshall and Co. ls. net.)—Most of us take " Robert " (as Mr. Dilnot affectionately calls the police officer in his preface) very much, perhaps too much, for granted. He is the man who with one movement of his hand holds up the traffic and allows us to cross the busiest roads in safety, or directs us how to reach a particular destination. Now and again some notorious murder or robbery case makes us realize that " Robert " le else a detective ; but for the most part, we fancy, the majority of reople never get teyolid the..k-irid of "signpost 7 view Of him mentioned above. It is, therefore, very useful to have Dilnot's book, which describes in detail the organization and work of our -Police Force. " Making a Detective," " The School of Police," The Sailor Police," " On the Trail," are some of- the chapters, and give an idea of the interest of the work.