29 JANUARY 1921, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sre,—May we, through your columns, draw the attention of the public to the appeal for an Extension Fund of -860.000 which is now being made by St. Hilda's Hall, Oxford? At the present time there is a generous opening of privileges and advantages to women at Oxford, since the University has decided to admit

women to full membership on practically the same terms as men. On the other hand, there is an overwhelming demand,

from all sides,. for a University education for women. Fresh

scholarships are being founded or granted—by the Board of Education, by local authorities, by colleges and schools—and

the number of ipplications is about six times as great as the number of vacancies. There is a great and growing demand from the Overseas Dominions for vacancies for women students.

Head-mistresses are in despair to know how to place their pupils at the Universities. The greatest need is accommodation. A joint letter from all the Oxford women's colleges appeared in the Press a few days ago, and it has been agreed that in pursuance of this appeal, each college should put its own case before the public. St. Hilda's Hall has never before appealed for any money whatever; it has no debt, and it is the only women's college at Oxford which at present has on foot any

definite scheme for building. However, it cannot continue at its present size and remain solvent. It has accommodation

for forty students, and over eighty are in residence, scattered in nineteen different houses, an inconvenient and expensive arrangement, which in any event cannot continue, as the use of lodgings by women undergraduates has only been sanctioned by the University until June, 1921. An extension has there- fore been planned which would make it possible to give full residential life to about a hundred students; this would enable the Hall to be run as economically as possible, and it would add considerably to the number of women students who can come up to Oxford each year. Unless this extension can be carried out the Hall will be obliged to reduce its numbers, and will be hopelessly crippled at the very moment when women's colleges are needed more than ever before.

The Principal will answer any inquiries. Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to the Oxford Women's Colleges Fund, and clearly market'. "St. Hilda's Hall," and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, the Viscountess Rhondda, 92 Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.—We are, Sir, &c., A. W. PICKARD Csmeranoz, Chairman of Hall Council; WINIFRED H. Meninx, Principal; BERYL OLIVER, Chair- man of Appeal Committee; RHONDDA, Treasurer;" E.

ARMSTRONG, Pro-Provost of Queen's College, OxfOrd; HERBERT H. CARLIOL ; L. M. FAITHFULL, Principal of

Cheltenham Ladies' College; Louts% Gramm ANDERSON, M.D.; ALBERT MANSBRIDOE; MAY SINCLAIR ; RICHARD V. VASSAR SMITH: [We have dealt with this appeal in our leading paragraphs. —ED. Spectator.]