29 JANUARY 1927, Page 2

On Monday at Delhi the Viceroy delivered his inaugural address

to the new Legislative Assembly. One might call the address unconventional were it not that that word is inappropriate to its dignity. At all events, the address was of an unusual kind. It was perfectly frank and discussed not in an official or commanding tone, but in the manner of one Parliamentarian speaking to others, the difficulties and responsibilities of the Parlia- mentary life. Lord Irwin's theme was that the main object to be reached • by Parliamentary discussion—in the case of India the development or the rejection, as the case might be, of the reforms--must be kept clear of all the incidents of party strife. In fine, what the Imperial Government really wanted to know was whether India desired or did not desire to make the reforms a success. The members of the Legislative Assembly were evidently impressed. Their satisfaction was a good sign which may be added to another good sign of last week when the two years' deadlock in Bengal came to an end and the Swarajist opposition to the voting .of the Ministers' salaries collapsed.

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