29 JANUARY 1927, Page 28

The Week's Special Broadcasts

Sunday. January 30th.-----1r. J. C. Squire reads "The Death of

Socrates (about 9.30 p.m.).

Daily. except Thursday.— Music Recitals--MacDowell, inter- preted by Ethel Walker (7.15 p.m. ; Friday, 8.45 p.m.).

Monday.—Debate : Stage v. Screen. Tn the chair. Mr. Charles Lapwort h. Screen Miss Iris Barry ; Stage--Mr. Ashley Dukes (9.15 p.m.).

Tuesday.- Professor P. J. Noel Baker--Foreign Affairs and How They Affect Us (7.25 p.m.). Sir Walford 'Davies--Beethoven (9.13 p.m.). International Chamber Concerts—Czechoslovakia : The Zika String Quartet, with Erwin Sehulhoff (9.35 p.m.).

Wednesday. ---Miss Rhoda Power —In Queen Elizabeth's Days (3.43 p.m.). Professor V. H. Mott ram- -Body Building and Body Warming (7.25 p.m.). •

Thursday.- Evensong, relayed from Westminster Abbey- (3.p.m.). Mr. R. 11. Marett—Magic (7.25 p.m.). National Concert, from the Albert Hall. by the National Orchestra; conducted by Hermann - Seherehen : solo pianoforte, Pouishinoff (8 p.m.). Dr. L. D. A. Hussey Lost on the Antarctic (10.15 p.m.).

Friday.--- Professor Reilly—The Office Block (7.25 p.m.). A talk by Sir Frederic Whyte on India (9.15 p.m.).