29 JANUARY 1927, Page 30


All the accounts from the other side of the Atlantic continue to testify to industrial activities and industrial prosperity. In the latest monthly bulletin of the National City Bank d New York sonic very interesting figures are given, showing that on the whole this prosperity is being achieved without any undue expansion in credit, and the bulletin in question makes a very able defence of the instalment payment system itself, which is doing so much to stimulate activities in retal trades. Meanwhile the accounts of the National City Bank itself show a substantial expansion in resources, the Deposits having reached a total of well over 1,000 million dollars, being an increase of 162 million dollars as compared with tie previous year. Converting these figures into sterling. the result shows bigger figures than those of any other private banking institution outside this country, though it is materially exceeded by certain of the big banks here. Then, of moo, it must be remembered that whereas our banking resources art now mainly centred in a • few leading institutions. the

number in the United States is legion. A. W. E.