29 JANUARY 1954, Page 5


The statement just issued by the French episcopate on the future of the worker-priests continues the process of toning down this bold experiment—a process which has been going on for some months now. The worker-priests are in future to be known as ' priests of the working-man's mission,' they must give up their full-time jobs in industry and trade union activities. The reason given for these changes (already forecast the statement issued by the French cardinals on their return .."..°111 Rome last November) is that priests must have sufficient Jne to fulfil their sacerdotal duties. But supporters of the Worker-priest movement, while agreeing with this, may well ask What will be the value of a mission to the working-classes conducted by men debarred from taking part in those activities rost distinctive of industrial working-class life. It is argued Tan article on another page, that a large body of priests must By i ° n the same world of work as those they are trying to, reach. r. their decision the Vatican and the French hierarchy have htlsed still higher the barriers which the worker-priests were mvlog some success in breaking down.