29 JULY 1837, Page 12


STOCK EICFLER01, Finnv ATTERNOWE The business of the'vreek has been unimportant; but, from the great ple°t! of money, the prices of English Stock have been on the rise. Consols her been dune as high as 911 for Account, equal to a quotation of 931 with the Dividend. The importation of gold from St. Petersburg has been consi- derable ; and a large quantity was delivered at the Bank in the early parts( the week. The foreign exchanges are higher ; but the business of the Royal Exchange Las been very trifling, as, from the limited quantity of four exports, very few bills are offered for negotiation. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has recovered from its recent deer* lion; and to-day has improved more than 1 per cent. It is very entree* re,arted that &loan has been negotiated by the Spanish Government, upon thi curity of Cuba, under sortie sort of guarantee from the I.:elfish Government! Se but we believe this to be an entire fabrication, and are inc,ined to refer the resent rise to an express having been received from Paris, biting:rig a confirma• Cosa of the retrogression of the main forces of the Carrots under Ole Pretender to the Ebi o. Portugusse Bonds were in demand till this morning; when, upon receipt s,f intelligence of a revolutionary movement in the province of Bent the five per Cents. declined to 401, and the Three per Cents. to 25i ; but, since the vise in Spanish Stock, the Portuguese Bonds have improved to the prices from which thee originally receded.

The Railway Shares are generally heavy, but there have not been any large operatiOla in them since our last report. hIsssrs. LEsAttni and Co. have made public the decree recently ;issued by the Mexican Government on the subject of the conversion of the existing debt of the republic. The document itself is of such extreme length that it is impos-

sible to give it verbatim. It is, in substance, a proposit:on to convert one half of the present Debt into a new Consolidated Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum ; while for the other half, land warrants will be issued on the vacant lands in the departments of Texas, Chihuahua. New Mexico, So- nora, and California, at the rate off • acres per pound ; which warrants will bear interest at 5 per cent, until the holders shall be put into pos-essiou of the lands. The interest upon the New Debt will be payable in London lialf-yearly, com- mencing on the 1st October next ; and until measines can be taken for the peri- odical transmission of the necessary funds, certificates will be i,sued upon pre -

irritation of the Coupons of the New Bonds, which certificates will be received as cash to the extent of oue.sixth of their nominal amount, in payment of duties at the Customhouses of Vera Cruz and Santa Anna de Taumalipus. The Bonds themselves are also to be specially secured upon one hundred millions of a: res of unlocated lands in the departments of California Chihuahua, new

Mexico, and Texas. This proposal is not in any degree relit:lied by the Bond- hollers; as, apart from its apparent insincerity, in the hypothecation of lands over which, as in the Texas, the Mexican Grover nment sloes not exercise any but a doubtful authority, the chance of remittances on the behalf of the divi- dends on the New Consolidated Fund does not appear much greater than that now existing of the payment of the Dividends actually over.due. A remit- tance of dollars, even it small, would have aided the credit of the republic, and given more satisfaction to the Bondholders, than a hundred such wordy, and we might add, almost unintelligible decrees.


The only variation of importance which has occurred this morning has been is Spanish Stock, which, in consequence of a rise of li per cent. having occurred in it in Paris on Thursday, has been in demand, the Active Stock having niched 22. : it has, however, since receded, the price now being 22i i. The other Funds, both Foreign and English, are nearly at yesterday's prices, as are the Railway Shares.

aper Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced ..... ... Few 3L per Cent. Auns kink Stock latia Stork Ditto Builds Pi:chewier Bills Belgium 5 per Cents 911 1 911 1 921 991 1 2101 2553 49 51 48 49 1001 2 Brarilian 5 per Cents. Dutch 2e• per Cents Danish Portuguese Rogoticy 5 p, Cts Ditto 3 lier Cent.

Russian (1822)5 per Cent SPanith (1835) 5 per Cent Defeated Stuck Passive Ditto

841 73 53 41 1 26 1091 110 PA/ 1 8

5 1