29 JULY 1865, Page 2

The Americans, it appeats, publish in the papers the teletexts

Of leading citizens to the income-tax, a practice which in Eitghind The Americans, it appeats, publish in the papers the teletexts Of leading citizens to the income-tax, a practice which in Eitghind

would ensure the itnme hate abolition of the tax. Even the absolute Government of India failed to carry it, the merchants declaring that they would all go to prison sooner. The Americans. however, appear to look on it as a capital means of advertising themselves, and return more than the truth in order to obtain a reputation for wealth. The heaviest income returned in New York for 1864 was 360,000/. a year, but this was only for one year, the largest steady income being apparently that of Mr. Astor, who returns it at 260,000/. a year. Some of this enormous wealth will in a year or two be transferred to Trinity Church, New York, which many years ago leased to Mr. Astor some large plots of land, now covered with streets and squares. So great will be the wealth of this church from all sources, that New Yorkers are muttering about the necessary limits to ecclesiastical accumulation.