29 JULY 1911, Page 1

Before we record in detail the story of the Home

Crisis we may state that as we write on Friday all the indications point to a non-revolutionary solution—i.e., to there being no creation of peers—and so to a complete victory for Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Balfour. This happy result is due in the first place to the firmness, moderation, and high statesmanship of Lord Lansdowne and to the ungrudging support of Mr. Balfour, for it has necessarily been on Lord Lansdowne that the main responsibility has fallen. Next Lord Lansdowne has been most loyally followed by the bulk of the Unionist peers. The confidence they have shown in his leadership is the highest compliment which any statesman has received in living memory. Not only have considerably over 300 peers declared themselves on his side, but a large number have expressed their willingness, if need be, to vote for the Bill. This gives Lord Lansdowne complete mastery of the situation. He is now, we feel sure, in a position to inform the Prime Minister that no action will be permitted in the House of Lords that will force a creation of peers. The revolt is dead. Let us hope that the funeral will be conducted in generous silence.