29 JULY 1911, Page 25

The Song Companion to the Scriptures. Compiled by the Rev.

G. Campbell Morgan. (Morgan and Scott)—" This Hymn-book," we read in the preface, "has been prepared to meet the demand created by the growth of the Bible-School Movement." It claims not to be denominational, and it has what we may describe as a doctrinal arrangement. First are five hymns to tho Holy Trinity, then 147 which have for their subjects various aspects of the Divine Persons and their work : those that follow (163-547) relate to various Christian privileges, and the remainder (548- 609) are suited for special occasions and classes of worshippers. Finally we have a selection of Psalms and Canticles. We miss some favourites, while we see others that have found, or are likely to find, favour. One improvement we notice. The name of the writer is given on the first line. This is always an interesting fact.