29 JULY 1916, Page 2

Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassador, is unfortunately not able to

report any improvement in the civilians' camp at Ruhleben. After nearly two years of war the barracks are still overcrowded. " It is intolerable," he. says, that " people of education should be herded six together in a horse's stall." In the dormitories in the lofts above the stables the beds touch, and the roof in some places is only four and a half feet above the floor. No soap is issued, and there are no means for drying clothes. Mr. Gerard says that the camp officials do their best, but they have no authority to reform matters. " Intolerable " the-mildest word to' describe these conditions. It is an indelible stain on the German character thus to treat persons whose crime is that they missed, the train after war broke out.