29 JULY 1949, Page 27


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of she first correct Solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, August 9th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the ward "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2W. stamp. Solutions muss be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner still be published "n the following issue.]

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1. Wins the wan. (12.)

9. A son of arm that takes the arm. (5-) 10. Surprising to find the Congo in it. (9.1 11. Captain Cuttle's speciality, perhaps. (10.)

12. The hone doesn't drink it. (4.) 14. A particle of corn and then one might come 10 Ware. (7.)

16. Limps on to take the pass. (7.) 17. Pig meat all round the pleasure resort. (7.) 19. just the wrong pattetn for Patterne. (7-) 20. An unstable pigeon. (4.)

21. It isn't duet (snag.). (10.)

24. Expunge. (5.)

25. "In - cup times of hood and hoop" (Tennyson). (3.)

26. Birth-place. (S.)

27. The act of getting a footballer signed on for a different club ? (8, 4.)


2. "She stood in tears amid the - corn" (Keats). (S.) 3. This deadly affair couldn't possibly be • sunshade. (10.) 4. Place built out of 20 cwt. cd material.? (7.) S. There's a book that does readily. (7.) 6. This is indispensable for • surgeon's make-up. (4.) 7. Hardly the majority likely to sup- port an intellectual. (3, 6.) 8. A professional poser. (7, 5.)

9. One in the Garden of Eden might have altered the MUM Of the history of man. (5. 7.)

13. Minute drop (snag.). (10.)

15. Just what Barkis was not. (9.)

18. Time records. (7.) 19. Dais. (7.) 22. "Proud o' the -," as the Living Skellington said yen they showed him (Dickens). (5.) 23. Helen's mother, by Jove ! (4.)