29 JULY 1960, Page 24

It's a Crime

The Progress of a Crime. By Julian Symons. (Collins, 12s. 6d.) A local loud-mouth is done by a bunch of teddy-boys; the police are not above clobbering information out of the weaker ones, and a national newspaper feels like crusad- ing a bit of extra circulation out of espousing the cause of one of them. It is difficult to fault this shrewd, sardonic account of how, in our time, murder quite easily gets done; how a case is handled in the cells and in the courts; what life is like on a local newspaper; and what a newspaper peer sounds like at the Fleet Street end of a telephone. Among the cynical go-getters, the brutal and the wayward, a young reporter and his girl keep a flag or so flying without being at all sentimentalised over. This is one of the truest and most sensible (and, because of the spare, brisk writing, one of the most compellingly readable) English crime novels for years.