29 JUNE 1833, Page 8



In comparison with the activity of the last few weeks, the past has been one of inaction ; the fluctuations in must descriptions of Stock have been trifling, and the transactions quite unimportant. Expectation has been on the tiptoe during the last two days, for a communication from the Government descriptive • of the manner in which the proposed West India Loan of twenty millions is to • be raised ; hut up to the close of business this afternoon, no official communica- tion had been received here. It is, however, generally understood, that the in- stalments will be spread over a great extent of time ; and that the whole business will be so arranged that scarcely any great depression is expected to take place in the value of the public securities ; but till the plan is divulged we cannot ex- pect the present indisposition to investment (in the English Funds) to cease. During the week, Consols for Account have been at ti96, and 90b, and close this afternoon at 89A 90. India and Bank Stocks have been nearly stationary; as have also Exchequer Bills.

More activity has prevailed in the Foreign Market, in consequence of the- settling-day having been fixed for to-day. The account just ended has been principally characterized by the large delivery of Dutch and Belgian Stocks, principally on behalf of houses of Foreign agency ; some Iran has been taken off by investment ; but the principal portion has been absorbed by speculative purchasers, who are disposed to hold in anticipation of higher prices. Money has consequently been in demand at 4 and 5 per cent., rather a higher rate of interest than has usually been paid. The fluctuations have, however, been quite unimportant ; 49 and 49A being the extreme quotations of Dutch and 49h * the price at the close of business. Belgian Stock has been at 92 and 91i. Russian and Danish Stock do not quite maintain the prices of last week : a few transactions have taken place in the former, at 1041 and WO, and in the latter at 734 and 73T;. In the early part of the week, Danish Bonds were at 74. Brazilian Bonds were on Monday as low as 66; but have • since rallied, and are to-clay at 67i. The continued disturbances in the - Northern parts of this empire ; and the general state of political excitement into which the whole country appears to be thrown, do not tend to inspire the Bondholders with confidence. Mexican and Columbian Bonds are at the prices quoted in our last. Spanish Stock has been as high as 19, and has since de- clined to 19. The intelligence which was received to-day of the assembly of the Cortes has not been productive of any improvement in the price of the Bonds. We yesterday had two arrivals from Oporto: the first brought intelli- gence of the resignation and retirement of Moshe' Sotinarac, and depressed the price of Scrip from tti to 3t, die. ; but at a later period in the afternoon, we were informed of the sailing of a secret expedition from Oporto ; and the price of the Scrip rallied twain to 2. A further improvement took place this morn- ing, to n die. ; the closing price is 2L to IL dis.


Scarcely any thing worthy of note has occurred this morning. Consols for

Account are 90L. Exchequer Bills are 5:3s. 54s. prem. In the Fo- reign Market, prices generally are the Caine as yesterday. A Mexican Mail has arrived this morning bringing letters from Vera Cruz to the 9th, and from Havannah to the 29th May : this conveyance has also brought a small amount of dollars on account of the dividends : the price of the Stock has consequently improved, and is now 364, 87i. The accounts from the mining districts are very favourable ; especially from the Del Monte, and a rise Of nearly 6/. per share has taken place : the price has been as high as 33, and is now 3031. Some inquiry has also been made after the other Mexican Mining Shares, but the prices have not varied much. We have not been able to learn the complexion of the political intelligence, but understand the accounts to be 'favourable.

SATURDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK. The afternoon has not passed away so inactively as the morning. In con- sequence of a large purchase, Consols for Account havebeen at 904f, but have not maintained the higher quotation, and are now 90a. The Foreign Stocks generally are at the prices of the morning, the business having been confined almost entirely to the English Funds.

Mexican 6 per Cents.. .36 7 Portuguese 5 p. Cts. 594 60 Do, Regency.Sc.5p.Ct. 241f Prussian(1818)5p.Ct. — Russ. (1822) 5p.Ct. 1044 5 Spanish(1821) 5 p.Ct. 194

3 per Cent. Consols — Ditto for Accuunt 90k New 34 p. Cent. Ann. —

Bank Stock... 202434 India Stork Exchequer Bills • 53 54 Belgian 5 per Cents.914- 92 Brazilian Sp. Cts. 67 Danish 3 per Cents 734 4 Dutch 24 per Cents. 494 t, French 3 per Cents. — Greek (1855) 5 p.Cts. 38 40