29 JUNE 1844, Page 1

Lord HEYTESBURY has been chosen to succeed Earl Ds GREY

as Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland. The party organs opposed to the present Ministers admit, that, looking to their range of choice, this is as unexceptionable a nomination as they could have made. The negative qualities of the veteran diplomatist qualify him to a cer- tain extent for the appointment ; and if no serious disturbance occur during his Viceroyalty, he will probably discharge it with credit to himself. Nor are there, it must be admitted, any indica- tions of immediate outbreak. There are, however, symptoms enough of an active fermentation under the surface. The " O'Connell tri- hute " for 1844 mounts up to a figure (30,0001. has been named) that this national impost never before reached. One Repeal journal talks of a " solemn and impressive demonstration as in contem- plation in relation to the incarceration" of Mr. O'Corraxil; and another adds, that " all the Archbishops, Bishops, clergy, and Cs..

tholic laity of Ireland, will join." On the other side, the Orange leaders appear to be sorely tasked to keep their followers in hand. They are addressing the Orangemen " with most petitionary vehe- mence " ; reminding them that the Procession Act does not expire till the 1st of August—that " one trial yet awaits them before the expiration " ; and imploring them to abstain from processions—for this year only. All these are the whistling of the rising wind : Lord IIETTESBURY may not be called upon to bide the blast, but somebody will.