29 JUNE 1844, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, June 25.-Ist Regt. Life Guards-Capt. the lion. W. E. Fitzmaurice, from half•ray Unattached, to be Capt. vice Lord T. C. P. Clinton, who exchanges; Lieut. Sir C. W. Relit, Bart. to be. Capt. by purchase, vice Fittamurice, whu retires; Cornet and Sub-Lieut. T. G. Lord Glamis to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Sir C. W. Kent ; Cornet F. U. Graham, from the 24 Dragoous, to be Cornet said Sub-Lieut. by purchase. vice Glamis. Royal Regt. of Horse Guards-Lieut. R. E. Oliver to be Capt. bX purchase, vice R. S. Oliver. who retires; Cornet Lord A. F. C. G. Lennox, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Oliver ; J. H. Montgomery, Gent. to be Cornet by purchase, vice Lord A. G. Lennox. 11th Light Dragoons--Capt. C. J. Colville. from the Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. to be Capt. vice Weguelin, appointed to the 36th Foot. 1st Foot-.

T. E. Bidgood. Gent. to be Ensign by purchase. vice Fleming. who retires; Assist.; Surg. W. 51•Carthy. M.D. from the Staff. to be Assist •Surg. vice Rolserna.. aromoted. 3d Foot-Gent. Cadet C. Hood. from the Royal Mil. Col. to be Ensign to purchase, vice Charlton, appointed to the 95th Foot. 9111 Foot- Lieut .5 F. Field to I e Capt.

without purchase. vice Edmonds. dec.; Ensign E. Mot too to be Lieut. vile Field; En- sign H. J. Wallack to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Motion, whose promotion. by put,

chase, has been cancelled ; Gent. Cadet B. Thornhill, from the Royal Mil. Col. to be Ensign. wi bout purchase. vice Waltack, promoted. 10 h Foot-Capt. B. 'fenison, from half-pay Unattached. to be Capt. vice E. Shanty. who exchanges ; Lieut. S. Hub- son to be Capt. by purchase. vice Truison. whn mitres; Ensigu S. C. C. Galloway to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Hobson ; Ensign F. T. Patteteuo, from the 9:ch ?wt, to be Ensign, vice Galloway. Ilth Foot-Lieut. H. F. Maistou from the 41st F. ot to be Lieut. vice Neville, whu exchanges. tial Foot-Lieut. J. E. Thackwel I to be ititjutant,

vice Kelly, promoted; Eusign T. Andrews to be Lieut. without purchase. fifilli Foot-. Staff-Surg. of the Second Class J. Stewart to be Sorg. vice Bell, appointed to the stair. 36th Foot-Capt. T. M. L. Weguelin, from the Gilt Light nags. to lie Capt vies M•Dougall, appointed to the Royal Canadian Rifle Regt. 404 Foot-Lieut. C. Neville. from the 11th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Marston, who exchanges. 52d Foot- Ei.sign K. R. Petty. to be Lieut. without purchase. vice F Centel,. dec.; Sergi-- Major W. Fuller to be Eusigu, vice Pelly. 60th Foot-Lieut. H. Hutbech to be Capt. by purchase. vice Thomas. who retires; Sec. Limit. G. Rhodes. to e Fast Lieut. by pert-base vice Holbech; J. T. Eustace, Gent. to be Sec. Lieut. by purchase. vice Rhodes. 8,st Foot -Lieut. H. Renuy to be Capt. without pi chess. vice Perry, dec. ; Eusigu C. J. Skerry to be Lieut. vice Reno),; Geut. Cadet C. D. R. Cohlterst, from the Royal Coll. to be Ensign. without purchase. vice Skerry. 8641 Foot-Geut. Cadet J. H. King. from the Royal Mil. Cull. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Porter, des,

87th Foot-Lieut. J. A. Cruickshank, from the 91st Foot. to be Lieut. vier Shear:n*1h who exchanges. 91st Fout-Lieut W. Shearmau. from the 37th Foot. to be :twit. vice Cruickshauk. who exchanges. 94th Foot- H. H. Pratt, Geut. to be Ensign. by pur- chase. vice Fraser, appointed to the 95th Euut. 9.5th Foot- Lieut. E. Thompson. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fisher, who retires; Eus go .1 G. Edding•on. to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Thomps al; Eusigu L. Fraser. from the 94th F..ot, to he Eusigu, vice Eddington &twee E. S. Charlton. from the 3d Po .t. io be Eusigu. v.ce Patterson, appointed to the lOth Foot- 97th Foot-Capt. H. Keau. from half pay 6Uth Foot. to be Capt. vice H. Russell. who exchanges; Lieut. W. Gas With to be Capt. by purchase,

vice Kean, who retires; Ensign S. C. Jackson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ginfortit. 3d West India Regt.-C. W. Bancroft, Geut. to be Eusign, without petchase, Vire M'Taggart, promoted.

Ceylon Rifle Regt -Sec. Lieut. A. F. Colley. to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Du Vernet, who retires: R. Muller. Geol. to be See. Lieut. by purchase ,ter Colley.

Royal Canadian Rifle R.-v.-Capt. P. L. 111•Dougall. from the 3lith Foot, to be Capt. vice Colville, appointed to the 11th Light Drags ; W. H. Eliot, Gent. to be Ensign. without purchase, vice Stewart. whose appointment Ito, beep cancelled. Hospital Staff-Assist.-Staff Surg. J. C. Carver. n, M.D. to be staff Surg. of the Se- cond Class, vice Rumley. deceased; Assist.-Surg. G. G. Robertson, M.D. nom the 1st Foot, to be Sttff.Surgeou of the Second Class, vice Nugent deceased.

Brevet-Capt. B. Tenisou, of the 10th Foot, to be Major in the Army ; Capt. H. Kean, of the 97th Foot to be Major iu the Army ; Capt. the Hon. W. E. Fdzinaurice. of the 1st Life Guards, to be Major in the Army.

The undermentioned Cadets of the Hun. the East India Company's Sert ice to have the local and temporary rank of Ensign during the period or their being placed uudet the command of Lieut.-Col. Sir F. Smith, of the Rot al Engineers, at Chatham. for field instruction in the art ul Sapping and Mining :-T. G. Glover, Gent.; H. Hyde. Gent. R. Young, Gent. ; J. G. Fife, Gent.; G Hutchinson, Gem. ; G. V. Worscom Gent.

Commissariat - Commis. Clerk R. C. Major to be Deputy Assist: Commas Geo.

Memorandum-The date of the Commission of Staff Surgeoa of the First Class I.. Chambers, is the 191h, and not 151h et December 1843. as previously stated. OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Juue 21.-Corps 01 Royal Eugiueers-Gentlemen Cadets to bo Sec. Lieuts.:-A. Clarke, vice Gray. promoted; F. Du Case, vice Gossett, promoted; R. D. Kerr, vice Luyken, promoted ; J. Y. Moggridge. vice Situ, promoted ; F. Coe, vice Hossard. promoted. Royal Regt. of Artillery-Gentlemen Cadets to be See Lieuts. :-G. Colcluiligh. vice Hill, promoted ; T. W. Milward, vice Lawson. promoted; H. L. Chernestile. "ice Peter, promoted; A. T. Blakely, vice Greet, promoted; R. E. F. Craortird, lice Wil-

liams, promoted; F. W. C. Ord, vice Patton, promoted; W. C. L. Blosse, vice Morris, promoted ; W. S. Hughes. vice Mackay, promoted; M. B. Forbes, vice Grout ; W. T. Barnett, vice J. C. Childs. promoted; A. E. H. Anson, vice Johnson, promoted; S. B. Gordon. vice Connell, promoted; W. G. Stubbs, vice Parson, promoted; J. G. Boothby. vice M'Crea, promoted ; C. N. Lovell, vice Eleee. Corps of Royal Engineers-Sec. Capt. J. I. Hope. to be Capt ; See. Capt. W. C. Forbes, to be Capt. vice Williams, secuuded; First Lieut. F. A. Y. rke to be Sec. Capt. vice Forbes ; Sec. Lieut. 3. R. Mann. to be First Lieut, vice Yorke. WAR-OFFICE. June-28.-2d Drags. -E. Amplitett. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Graham, appointed to the 1st Life Goods. 4th Regt. Foot-Lieut. J. S. shorn to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mounsey, who retires; Ensign H. B. Ramsbuttum to be

Lieut. by purchase, vice Shorn; Sergt. C. R. Wollast to be Eusigu, by purchase, vice Ramsbuttem. 6th Foot -Sergt.-Majur W. Lee to be Qintriermaster. vice G. W. Rafferty, who retires upon half-pay. Vat Foot-Gent. Cadet G. P. E. Morris... from

the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, without purchase. vice Andrews. promoted. 30th Foot-Ensign J. H. Keogh to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Edwarries, who retires; T W.

R. Coventry, Gent. to be Etisign, by purchase. vine Keogh. 32d Foot-Quartei master-

Sergt. W. Garforth to be Quartermaster, vice T. Healey. who retires tqioit half lay. 52d Foot-J. J. Bourchier, Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice It& Nair. who retires. 53u3 Foot-Capt. P. Mitchell, from half pay 66th Foot. to be Capt. vice Low, appoiuted Paymaster; Lieut. T. H. Bathurst to be Capt. by purchase, vice Mitchell. who retires; Ensign F. G. Steward to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bathurst ; Ensign A. E dinge, from the 41st Foot, to be Ensign. vice Steward ; Capt. R. B. Low to be Pay master. vice

J. Q. Parley, who retires upon half-pay. 63d Foot-Ensign 0. A. Banualy tie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Domville, who retire.; H. M. WA insley, lieut. to be Ensign,

by purchase, vice Baunatyue. 81st Foot—Colour-Sergt. J. Carroll to be Qu trter. master, vice J. Patterson, w ho retires ttpuu halt-pay. 9ith Fout—T. Veuabtes. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Jackson, promoted. 98th Foot—Lieut. E. Grantham to be Adjt. vice Wade. who resigns the Adjutaucy only. 1st W. I. Regt.-J. W. Johustou. M.D. to be.Assist.-Surg. vice Holmes, who resigns. Cape Mounted Riflemen- J. M•Douuell, 'Gent, to be Eusigu, by purchase, Vine Francis, who retires.

Royal Mil. Coll.-Captaiu J. W. Dalgety, from the 681h Foot. to be Capt. of a Com- pany of Gent. Cadets, vice Brevet Lieut.-Cul. C. Wright. who retires. Brevet-Capt. P. Mitchell, of the 5411 Foot, to be Major in the Army.