29 JUNE 1850, Page 13


Malvern House, Redlands, Bristol, 22d June 1850.

Sin—Your correspondent "A Water Drinker" must be very ignorant of the laws of the animal economy, if he supposes that water impregnated with lime is useful for the preservation of health. On the contrary, the presence of this ingredient (alba! to common) is the fruitful source of dyspepsia, with Al its terrors; of constipation of,ohatructed kidneys, and of various other ailments too well known to us medical' men. On the contrary, pure water (i.e. filtered rain water) is one of the finest solrents in nature ; and I hail with pleasure, the suggestion of the hoard of Health for the supply of the ,Metropolis with Pure water. All England knows the repute of the Malvern , water : and its value consists in its purity, scarcely a trace of saline or earthy :ingredients ents being found in it ; the absence of limestone in that locality al- towing the water of the district to filter through. the gravel and sand, and dim returning, to givelealth to the *valetudinarian. As to the presence of lime in water being necessary for the preservation of our bones, your cor- respondent need not fear that his osseous fabric will become enfeebled by =drinking pure water, since many:articles of diet contain phosphate of lime.

Leould say much more in favour, of pure water, both medically and in an economical point of view- but I forbear,