29 JUNE 1850, Page 20


Omen or ORDNANCE. June 24.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—Gent. Cadets to be See. Lieuts.—J. S. Stirling' vice Close, prom. ; F. T. Whinyates, vice Sinclair., prom. ; J. II. Blackburn', vice Talbot., prom. ; W. N. Waller, vice Wilson, pink.; E. T. W. Purcell, vice Simpson, proni. ; A. C. Johnson, vice Penn, prom. • -H; E. Le Me-

surier, vice Saunders, prom. ; H. 8. Elliot, vice Snow, proin. ; Stirling. 'vice

Ramsey, prom. • P. P. Phelips, vice Morris, -prom. ;J. K. Pickering, vice prom. ; A. W. iolinson ; J. A. Price.; A. H. King; R. J. Cairnes ; F. W. White

It. 11. Jones ; J. W. Coilington. Corps of Royal Engineers—Gent. Cadets to be Sec. Lkuts. with temporary rank— J. C. Cowell, vice SchaW, prom.; 'R. Hawthorn, vice 'Heygate, prom. ; G. Graham, vice Gordon, prom.

WAR-0FFICE, June 28.—Scots Fusilier Guards—Major and Col. W. T. Knollys to be Lieut.-CoL by purchase, . vice Col. B. Drumniond who retires upon half-pay, unatt. Brevet CoL H. Lord Rokeby to be Major, by iurchase, vice Knollys; Brevet Col. W. Graham, from half-pay unatt. to be Capt. and .Lieut.-Col. vice Lord Rokeby; Lieut. and Capt. F. Seymour to be Capt. and Lieut.-COL by purchase, vice Col. Gin- hum, who retires ; E'naign and Lieut. B.. N. F. Kingstote tube Lieut.and Capt. by par. vice Seymour; J. Mane, Gent to be Ensign and Lieut, by pur. vieeKingscote. 15th Regt. of Foot—Capt. M. C. Hakott, from half-pay unatt. to to Capt. vice Bre- vet Major IL. H. J. B. Al•Cumming, who exchanger; Lieut A. It. Sewell lobe Capt. by.purchase, vice Halcott, who retires Ensign R. M. Tilghman to be Lieut. by per. vice Sewell. 29th Foot—Ensign J. C. Langford, from the 36th Foot, to be Baum vice Bateman, whose appointment has beeucancelled. 32d Foot—Major-Gen. Sir R. Armstrong, C.B. from 95th Foot, to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Buchan, R.C.B. dec. 72d Foot—Lieut. J. S. Clark to be Capt. without purchase, vice Perceval, dec.; En- sign T. C. H. Best to be Lieut. vice Clark. 9511, 'Foot—Major-General J. Bell, C.B. to be Colonel, vie Major-Geueral Sir R. Armstrong, C.B. appointed to 3211 Foot. Unattached.—To be Capts. without purchase—Lieut. J. M. Tittle, from. half-pay, Royal African Corps, Staff-Officer of Pensioners; Lieut. E. J. Taylor, from half-pay, 13th Foot, Staff Officer of Pensioners ; Lieut. H. Rose, front half-pay, 24th Foot, Staff Officer of Pensioners; Lieut, H. Hollingsworth, from half-pay nnatt. Staff Officer of Pensioners.

Brevet.—Capt. M. C. Ealcott, of the 15th Foot, to be Major in the Army. The undermentioned Cadets of the Honourable the East India Company's Service to have the local and temporary rank of Ensign during the period of their being placed under the command of Lieut.-Col. Sir F. Smith, of the Royal Engineers, at Chatham, for field instructions in the art of sapping and mining: P. Stewart, Gent. ; D. Limond, Gent. ; H. G. Geneste, Gent. ; Raoul be Bourbel, Gent. ; H. Vaughan, Gent. ; C. J. Merriman, Gent. ; R. S. Salon, Gent, ; R. F. Oakes, Gent.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, June 26.—Royal Regt. of Artillery.—Brevet Major C. Gostling to be Lieut.-CoL vice Garstin, retired on full-pay ; Sec. Capt. H. C. Mar- ston to be Capt. vice Gostling; First Lieut, R. Gregory to be Sec. Capt. vice Mar- ston; Sec. Lieut. A. H. Murray to be First Lieut. vice Gregory.