29 JUNE 1850, Page 8

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Mr. Alderman Carden and Mr. Csddecott have been chosen by the Livery of London to fill the office of Sheriff during the ensuing year. In' returning thanks, Mr. Carden alluded to the Sher(' of Induetrr by All Nations : that grandest scheme that ever was projected forbringing for- Ward the skill and artistic energi'Ktill the world would be carried out in his year of ofkoc; and he pledged hiMaelf„togive all the assistance his.

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tehucu ,nre fa' and,olessenthenuin r se f.41 office would...4.9yr te seetoid. the efficciojss, out of the design. Mr. Caldecott, by a friend, lieggefl,before"ebalhad to be excused from ner- ving: but the Livery chose htifyil !Eft, It himself, and it is thought that.* will serve, charges of neglect altt agam,st the pariah Am that:kart aerie:anal Appeal, ceeftaeurdity, judgment-was. given in the case:of Welter Watts. The lad. Chief Juitice announced the decision of the Judges. Two objeetionshad been raisedin the prisoner's favour : that the n piece of paper."—a cancelled check—which he- had taken had never been in possessienefahe Globe Insuranee Company, and therefore could not, be stolen from them; and Watts, who was a shareholder, could not be charged with robbing himself. The Court overruled both objections. Watts was the servant of the -directors of the company, 'was paid by them, and answer- able to them. The cancelled checks belonged to the directors, - and were vouchers of their acts; these-Watts was appointed to receive and keep in custody for the dir' ectors ; if he abstracted any, it would be a theft. As a shareholder in the company, the prisoner- had no property in the piece of pa- pee_which-beloeged to the directors. The conviction was accordingly con- At the Mansionhouse on Wednesday, five seamen, who were accompanied by a- clerk from the Society for the Protection of Shipwrecked Mariners, ap- plied for advice. TheW ship was lost near the island of Aboran ; a Spanish fishing-boat saved the crew, and they were conveyed to Malaga, and thence to Cleat,, where they were shipped to England. Whilst at Malaga is charge of the British Consul, that officer constrained the =ester to make out orders for the balance of pay due to the mate and eaoh of the crew ; which orders the Consul insisted they should sign over to him, stating that the Admiralty- regulations ordered the appropriation of all wages due to a wrecked crew for the purpose of paying their passage and subsistence house; on their object- ing, the Consul threatened that if it were not agreed to he would seize the few clothes they had saved, and turn them out in the streets to provide for themselves. By the harsh measure of the British Consul, they found them- selves in England without a penny. They wanted to know whether the Consul was justified in his -conduct. Alderman Gibbs advised the applicants to go to the Foreign Office, and there ascertain whether the Consuls act was authorized by directions from the Government.

A man is in custody on a charge of obtaining money by pretending to be in a state of starvation. An officer of the Mendicity Society brought him before the Marlborough Street Magistrate. _ The man had a most wretched appearance ; the constable said he was dressed ,for busiuess." Ile saw him mok up a number of cabbage-stumps in Covent Garden market; then he walked towards jermyn Street. When he met a person likely to commise- rate him, he began to scoop out portions of a cabbage-stump with a piece of tins and eat the morsels as if ravenously hungry. Thus he gathered 2s. be- tween Covent Garden and Jermyn Street.