29 JUNE 1901, Page 19


(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SrE,—Perhaps it may interest some of your readers to know that lines from the " Siren " of Robert Buchanan adorn the drawing-room of the beautiful chateau-observatory of Abbadia, near Hendaye, now belonging to the Institute of France. They well express the feelings of the late owner when he built the chateau. I subjoin a translation made for Madame d'Abbadie by a French lady.—I am, Sir, &c., W. W.

"Oh melancholy waters, softly flow!

Oh Stars, shine softly, dropping dewy balm ! Oh Moon, walk on in sandals white as snow ! Oh Winds, be calm, be calm !

For I am tired with wandering to and fro, Yea! weary with unrest to see and know. Oh charmed sound That hoverest around !

Oh voices of the night, sing low ! sing low ! • Sing low!"

"0 conks doncoment, conler onde attrist6e, Etoiles, repander vOo rayons frais et donx,

0 Lune, march° en paix snr ta route argenVo, 0 Vents, calmer-vous, calmez-vons. Car je anis fatigue d'errer sur cette terra; De connattre, de voir, de chercher je suis las. Bruits charmants quo Hen no fait taire, Voix de In nuit et du mystkre,

Chanter plus bas, chantsz plus bas."