29 JUNE 1912, Page 17

The Times correspondent at Washington has an instructive review of

the Democratic candidates for the Presidency in Tuesday's issue. Of the Radicals Mr. Bryan claims first attention by his extraordinary tenacity, his reputs-. tion as a thorough-going Radical, his talents as a Campaigner, and his personal popularity. Dr. Woodrow Wilson, quite apart from his academic distinction, can, point to his Successful administration of New Jersey, his triumph over the " bosses " . who thought to exploit him for their own ends, his brilliant oratory, and a certain moderation and caution which may conciliate the Con- servative East. Mr. Champ Clark is "a man of the people," always conforming to the Democratic creed of the moment, popular as . Speaker, orator, and lecturer, and, apart front his blazing indiscretion about the annexation of Canada, a courteous and tactful politician. The two beat known Conservative candidates are Mr. Harmon, Governor of Ohio, and Mr. Underwood, the majority leader in the House. Mr. Harmon is a successful lawyer, a sound reform administrator, "honest above suspicion," and likely to make a " safe " President, though distrusted by the Bryanite Radicals as a railway lawyer. Mr. Underwood is a younger man, well educated, personally popular, a, keen student of fiscal problems, and "sound" on monetary reform and the Trust question. The most interesting thing about his candidature is the fact that he is the first Southerner since the war who has been seriously considered for the Presidency. Of the potential compromise candidates the most notable are Mr. Marshall, Governor of Indiana, a Democrat of the old Jefferson type; Senator Kern; and Mayor Gaynor, of New York.