29 JUNE 1918, Page 16

Co-operation in Danish Agriculture. By Harald Faber. (Long- mans and

Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Faber has adapted for English readers a Danish book by Mr. Hertel, one of the leaders of the Co-operative movement which- has bestowed great benefits on the Danish farmers during the past half-century. His detailed account of the various Co-operative Societies for producing and exporting dairy produce, for breeding horses and cattle, for providing machinery and manure, establishing flour-mills, and so on, is of great interest and importance. One significant little table shows that the average yield of wheat per aersinreseed from 30.9 bushels in the period 1875.84 to no less- than 43'1 bushels in the years 1909-13. Dr. Russell of Rothainsted remarks with pardonable pride in his Introduction that Mr. Segeicke, who did much to re- form Danish agriculture, quaiified himself for his work by-spending a year at Rothamsteci. We can learn a good deal from the Danes without necessarily adopting- their system wholesale. It may be noted that ninety percent. of the Danish holdings are freehold, and two-Thirds of them are less than a hundred- and fifty acres apiece. The conditions prevailing in a- land of -peasant proprietors are widely different from our own.